

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Lesley – hang in there you following everything so diligently the weight will follow.

    Dreamwriter – 1200 is tough! One step at a time, lots of veggies help fill you up without as many calories :wink:

    Chris – welcome, we are good at support, the first step for everyone is just logging your food…and beginning to learn what is worth the calories and what is not.

    Cynthia – how sad to lose a café with such special memories, hopefully the replacement will be great!

    Heather – dinner tonight sounds great! I really love hearing about your cooking

    Robin – so glad you are seeing the Sun at the end of the tunnel!

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Cool, cloudy, and very breezy here, barely getting into the 6o's here today. Nor'easter on the way.

    Last night, very late, I read the absolute best, most interesting and comprehensive article on how this Ebola outbreak started and how it got so out of control in Africa. It's an easy read and fascinating, I promise. Google ebola vanity fair if interested to read it. Called "Hell in the Hot Zone". Of course the mortality and case numbers are way off as it is from a few weeks ago but the real blow by blow history of this outbreak makes it the most captivating and compelling article I've read to date........and that's saying a lot.

    Kim..........Your pillow case quilt will be lovely........how kind and thoughtful you are!

    Cynthia..........The end of clutter is coming, I promise. Happy that your dog's eye is healing so well. I'm also not a fan of changes with people and places I've grown to love....it's difficult......and painful to the heart.

    Heather........Your planned dinner sounds delicious, as usual. I'm planning something with chicken later also.

    Robin........Super glad to hear Bodi is getting out and about.........bet he is too!

    As always, welcome newbies and hello to everyone else.

    Stay Strong, ladies!

  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Hello All,

    Feeling better today; a bit more energy. I forgot who said their GP said it could take 6 weeks to recover, but I believe it, especially the older we get, we feel everything more, for instance, I always feel worse the following day when I don't eat right, but when I was 20, I could eat junk food all day and still feel like I got energy from the tacos and burgers.

    I was happy to get a walk done this morning and I plan to go to the gym later for some weight lifting. I read in the paper today that we need 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week and I figured out that means 40 minutes 4 x a week, or 30 minutes 5 x a week. I don't think I quite achieve those figures, so I've made it a new goal.

    Hi Toby in Naples and Chris - My prelim goal is to lose 60 lbs too. One of my problems with the eating is that I love all the flavors of my favorite foods. I'm working on overcoming the need to experience so MUCH of the flavors.

    Cynthia - I'm putting off my knee replacement as long as possible. The surgeon says a certain percentage of women - almost 20% - have just as much pain after the surgery as before it and there isn't anything wrong with their surgery. They're not sure why this happens. Apparently, the dissatisfaction is higher in people who got hurt at work, which is what happened to me. So, I'm trying to wait a few more years and the shots have been making getting around a little easier. I tell people I need a replacement soon, just to get accustomed to hearing myself say it, so it doesn't come at a big surprise. I really don't have and easy time with change!

    Katla - That trip to the pumpkin farm/fair sounded really fun!

    Mary in south Florida
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    oh my word I am ready for bed, and I only got 6,000 steps, I slept pretty bad last night,but it couldn't have been the bacon cheeseburger I had last night :'( I had toast and peanut butter this morning and a cup of tea, and then I went grocery shopping..
    I get so confused. I am trying everything I can to eat correctly but with the poly cycstic kidney disease,they suggest you eat an alkaline diet,which is basically dark green veggies,a few fruits and some nuts.. I just cant do that all the time, I am trying ..
    soooo I came home and I put the groceries away, went to Sam's to pick up stuff we didnt get, then went over to see DFIL ,he had a mini lemon meringue pie,and a chocolate chip cookie while we were there, my SIL and BIL were there ,he retires in a week bless his heart, we will see how long he lasts with that between her and his son and grandaughter living there,, he will go bonkers.
    then we came home and I made the DH , a roast beef dinner,and pasta fagioli,macaroni and cheese, and beef stew.. he has enough snacks to sink a ship..
    right now he is watching the nascar race, I just took a shower and put my jammies on.
    im going to have some chamomile tea, and relax the rest of the afternoon.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday here and done weigh/tape/BF ugh!
    4 weeks on Duramine and gained 0.66 lbs lost 2.25 inches and bf same. Need to talk to doctor as to WHY not working.
    Training today: Wii Gold's boxing; JJ's cardio kick-boxing and 40 minute walk.
    Making Simple shrimp scampi for lunch with lettuce and tomato and mango. Found a butterscotch pear sponge for dinner, plus pork steaks and veg. Food at 2113 cals, all good.
    DH has gone fishing for the day.
    I am washing bed-linen and cleaning house.
    Was frosty this morning but sunny now.
    Cannot understand why no weigh loss when eating healthy and training. back to basics again
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone had a good week-end.I spent most of it in bed,trying to shake this bug
  • MarleyJoe63
    MarleyJoe63 Posts: 9
    edited October 2014
    Hello - I just joined a couple of days ago, and find the this site very helpful. I began working on my weight loss since August 11th. I started simply by measuring food, watching calories, and hoping to add exercise next month.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Evening Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers.

    Jane so sorry you are not feeling well. Feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
    Heather your dinner looks delicious.
    smiley-gen013.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.


    DH and I went to a concert by our civic orchestra. It was so soothing and delightful. The venue was our old court house called the landmark center. The building itself is worth the trip. Afterwards went for a long walk with my friend in the park that is down the street from my home. The pictures are from our walk. The water in the background is the Mississippi River.

    Today I bought a copy of Eating on the Wildside to help me be a better grocery shopper the next time I go.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    edited October 2014
    smiley-happy093.gif I learned how to do something new on my computer today and found a feature that I thought the computer didn't have.

    smiley-happy093.gif Jake went out on a friend's boat for most of the morning and he's out again now with a friend. I love him more than anything but I really appreciate having time at home without him occasionally.

    smiley-happy026.gifMargaret, I love how you're using the smileys...your posts are so much fun.

    smiley-happy026.gifToby, welcome...take it one day at a time and make small changes for healthier eating and more fitness activities and you'll reach your goal.

    smiley-happy026.gifMichele, when I was first married to my first husband, an older neighbor told me that she was surprised that I dared to take my husband grocery shopping with me....it didn't take me long to figure out what she was talking to....Jake is pretty good at the grocery store but he frequently adds candy to the the grocery cart.

    smiley-happy026.gifyanniejannie, I bought the pumpkin costume about 20 years ago when I was a lot heavier...it was "one size fits all" so it still fits....it is comfortable and I can walk and dance in it.

    smiley-happy026.gifKim, it's hard to resist a creative project when it pops into your head especially when it's to be a gift for someone special

    smiley-happy026.gifJoyce, I have more than one charger cord because I'd be lost without one..hope you find yours

    smiley-happy026.gifLesley, yum, yum, I love lamb buts it's pricey here so I rarely fix it

    smiley-happy026.gifChris, when I got desperate to lose weight, I made the decision to stop eating for recreation and find other things to entertain me...it was a change I made a little at a time....Heather can probably teach you a lot about cooking healthy and creative food.

    smiley-happy026.gifCynthia, hearing about your preparation for painting makes me grateful that we can't afford any sort of redecorating or remodeling.

    smiley-happy026.gifRobin, exercising while watching TV has helped me, too.

    smiley-happy026.gifKatla, the pumpkin festival sounds like a lot of fun.

    smiley-happy026.gifMary, walking and weight lifting are a good exercise combination.

    smiley-happy110.gif This has been fun but I need to do my weight lifting before I get too tired.

    smiley-hug008.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * write the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    I started this on Friday and ran out of time so will get it done and sent this evening. It has been a very productive weekend. Yesterday we got the rock garden done. All trimmed and looks nice. Last evening we took several of the grandkids to Hallo's party at Sturh park. It was fun and we did a lot of walking and did the wagon ride. Today DGD came over and we put things around the yard so we are ready for Halloween.
    Didn't get to Bible study Wednesday evening as DH came home early from work ill and the other couple that goes was out of town. Have to get the tape so can watch it. Forgiveness is one I need to study.
    DS and DDIL came back on Friday and DGD was surprised when they were at school to pick her up. I did enjoy the week with DGD here and I cooked more then I have all year. Now tomorrow when I weigh in we will see how bad it is. But back on track and not giving up.
    Thursday, after I took DGD to school I went in to clean my desk off. I hate that job and only do it when the top is so full things fall on the floor. Anyway I am sorting papers to file and shred and opened letter from insurance company. DH had taken the van off and put his pickup on, so thought it was just those papers. Well I opened it and there was a check for $500. When our basement flooded almost 2 years ago the insurance company went back on the company that made the defective part and so they sent us our deductable back. So that check had been laying there almost a month. I am just glad I decided to open it and not just shred it. I have to do better at opening the mail and just deal with it. I used to be so on top of everything and anymore! I am working on doing better and I do think since I have started taking those pills everyother day I am feeling better.

    Beth--hugs and prayers for you and DS#2.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. You have found a great place for friendship and support for this life style change.

    Brenda--Hugs and prayers for you and DD.

    DeeDee-I agree that you need to talk to someone about the rudness of the telephone person at the doctors office. Even if she was having a bad day you do have to be treated that way.

    Viv--Welcome back, Don't beat yourself up about things, just take it one step at a time and the important thing is you are not giving up. We are here for you when you need us.

    Jamie--Take it one step at a time and come back for support. This is life style change and everyday is a new start. The important thing is not to give up.

    Margaret--Beautiful tree, thanks for sharing.

    Allison--I have been an Hospice voluteer for several years and I am also part of a group of people that sit with people that are dying as believe no one should die alone. Considering when I was younger I was scared to be around sick people and never been around anyone dying. But I find this work very satifying. Sorry about my spelling. I pray something works out for you job wise that will be so much better then what you have been having to deal with.

    Meg--Are you OK? Please take care.

    Michelle--I have been reading the Zits. Interesting their take on the fitbit.

    Joyce--Glad you are home safe and see you when you are well rested.

    Katla--Glad you are enjoying the horse back riding. Sounds like so much fun.

    Heather--Looks like DS did a great job on the food.

    Barbie--Glad you got your new computer up and running. I get so mixed up trying to figure things out on mine. Then I do not deal well with change anymore.

    Well ladies it is time to get ready to go to bed. Back to work in the morning and weigh in. Today has been a tense day. It was a year ago today that my dad stoked and ended up on life support. I thank God that he got better and we had 5 months longer. But reminds me how things can change in the blink of an eye. Take care ladies and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did an hour of two DVD's in the Powerfit series, did the cardio DVD first for 20 minutes, then the core one for 20 min, then the cardio again for another 20 minutes. Tomorrow's plan is to do more of the Butt Lift DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    Why Vince doesn't want to put out the Halloween decorations, I don't know. At least get started doing it. I steamed some kale, portioned that out (I like it in my soups or chilis), then made some of the soy/cocoa mixture, got my breakfast for tomorrow ready.

    Jan - hoping for the best for your friend. How can the race director NOT go on TV, doesn't she want to promote the race?

    Kim - how nice of you to make that quilt for your friend

    Chris - welcome! I'm so sorry you're struggling with depression. There are others on here who have the same struggles. Come in often. I so agree with Heather - I love food (especially fats and sugar combined) but planning is essential. At least it is for me. I've found that loading up on veggies helps me to feel frull on few calories

    I didn't realize that katla's desire to get on the horse is what drove her here (blessing in disguise) nor that Heather's not wanting to wear that dress brought her here (another blessing in disguise)

    Lesley - is there any possibility that you're doing too much? Sometimes our muscles need time to recuperate.

    MarleyJoe - welcome! You're doing all the absolute right things, measuring food, watching calories, pretty soon I bet you'll see changes once you add in the exercise

    Margaret - awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing

    Vicki - I bet that rock garden of our looks fantastic. Will we get to see pictures? Hope it isn't something serious with your hubby. What a find with that check!

    Michele in NC
  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    Spent the weekend mostly outdoors – moving more than I have in a while. I slept really well Friday night after a massage. Saturday was a lot of yard work and helping DS pack plus I did a two hour qi gong workshop. Enjoyed a story teller in the evening – quite engrossing! Today was bowling and then straight to sailing – strong wind made for a fun afternoon on the water. Home to more cleaning and laundry plus another go at the leaves after a windy day. Managed to cook some lentil stew and wild rice for supper and packed up containers to take to work tomorrow. I haven't been cooking much – a lot more take out than is good for me, so this is a positive step. Off to bed now, my goal is lights out by 11pm at least 3 nights this week. I get up for work at 6:30, so really needs to be earlier, but baby steps...

    Terri_mom: I went bowling this morning and had an egg and cheese sandwich at the bowling alley because I didn't get up in time to make breakfast – I don't even want to think about the calories in it. I didn't eat lunch as I was out sailing after bowling and didn't have much appetite, so hopefully it balanced out.

    Carol: I hope your daughter's eye appt went well. My oldest son is having a series of procedures this week to hopefully halt the progressive eye disease he has.

    Yanniejannie: The 22 year old managed to move some furniture and other items but didn't finish and is home tonight because he didn't get his bed there yet. Since he is moving in with his older brother in Baltimore, the one who is having eye surgery, he is probably going to wait another week since big brother is staying with relatives closer to where he is having the procedures to minimize his need to travel (I live an hour away and will be meeting him at the clinic every day), it is outpatient but he has to go in 3 days in a row and probably won't go back to Baltimore until Monday at the earliest depending on how things go.

    Grandmallie: good luck with your job hunt!

    Robin: yeah for the progress on your decluttering! With DS moving out and not only taking things with him, he also took some old TVs and other odds and ends to the dump. We like to donate but these were beyond hope. It feels good to have less stuff but sometimes getting rid of things can release feelings as well, I know I had some grief come up yesterday and today with all of the changes.

    Cat – I am typing my responses in a a text document as I read. Still hard to keep up with these chatty ladies! And this Kat loves her mousie too!

    Margaret – glorious trees! Thanks for sharing, we are just starting to get a few fall colors in Maryland. Last week when I was in southwest Virginia, I saw a lot of gorgeous trees!

    Celeste – welcome! Your post really resonates with me, I do the same thing, if I set a goal, I sabotage it, so I try to stay away from weight goals and focus on fitness and wellbeing instead. Moving more and eating healthy.

    Sylvia – pottery making sounds like fun – playing in the mud, though I realize it takes a lot of skill to throw pots.

    Beth – glad to hear your sons are doing better – so hard to see our children in pain...

    Katla – yeah for you taking up horseback riding and the resulting motivation for even more self care!

    Heather – your son is quite the cook, you must have raised him well, and thanks for all of the encouragement!

    Welcome to the newbies! I just started here recently too and am enjoying meeting everyone!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    So did good today, my eating has not been real successful, mostly at/under calories, but bad quality, going to bed hungry as I made bad choices.... so told myself to get it back on track, hit the grocery store and did great - salmon with a cajun rub, and saute mushrooms, onions and broccoli for dinner.. some times I don't make enough quantity and then get hungry and turn to sugars (dessert or bread or.... grrr)

    My new roomie is great but she loves her booze (me too) but it is tempting when she is making something and I don't say no as often as I should. When I live alone it is easier. However it is getting cooler and I love hot tea in the evening so she can have a drink and I can have hot tea while we chat about our days and that will work.

    The quilt store was fun and this should not be as hard as I was afraid it might be... I bought the fabric to go between the cases, 1930's vintage replicas, it will look good I think.

    A new week already! I just can not believe that it is coming so soon! I do need to get working on christmas --- gifts, cards, etc... I try to make everything...

    Yanniejannie – thanks for the ebola article lead

    Lesley – you are so careful… could it be macro issues? As we age our bodies seem to have minds of their own…

    Vicki – what a tough day, but such a good reminder!
    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! What a busy day! We got home from the lake about 2:30 and I picked up the kids at 3:00, then took them shopping for groceries and Halloween costumes. I will NEVER take three kids grocery shopping again! We got to the house and the youngest two played in the yard with hubby while the oldest and I cooked dinner. She wanted to make homemade soup. So, she cut up the chicken and all the vegetables, put it all in the pan and cooked it. I was impressed, and she was so proud of herself. She took the leftovers home for her dad. So, after dinner we rode bikes for a little while, till it started getting dark, then came inside to carve pumpkins. Now I have never attempted to carve a pumpkin before, but I had bought three small pumpkins and three carving kits. I had no idea how hard those little things are! Are big pumpkins that hard? It's a miracle all their fingers were intact when they went home. The oldest managed to get hers carved all by herself. The younger two needed a lot of help.

    So now I'm exhausted and the sink is full of dishes. Hubby and both dogs have passed out on the sofa. I'm going to bed. The dishes will keep till morning.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    An old county doctor went way out to the boondocks to deliver a baby. It was so far out that there was no electricity. When the doctor arrived, no one was home except for the laboring mother and her 5 year old child. The doctor instructed the child to hold a lantern high so he could see while he helped the woman deliver the baby.

    The child did so, the mother pushed, and after a little while, the doctor lifted the new born baby by the feet and spanked him on the bottom to get him to take his first breath.

    "Hit him again," the child said. "He shouldn't have crawled up there in the first place!!"


    Good night!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I guess I said a little white lie :s I slept until 1 PM and when I woke up I felt pretty rested but have spent most of the day still looking for my chargers, didn't find them, finally unpacking, filling up all our medicine keepers, between the two of us we have 6 of them. And grocery shopping. I am just glad I didn't have to add laundry to that. I have a friend that went on a cruise the exact time we were gone and came home and did 7 loads of wash. I have a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning, a follow up for my dizziness, but I will tell him about my fall and about all my additional soreness. I will also tell him about the fact that I am not losing anymore weight.

    So, hopefully I will tell you tomorrow.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley - is there any possibility that you're doing too much? Sometimes our muscles need time to recuperate."
    - No this is my normal regime. i train 6 days out of 7. Sunday is rest and walk day
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Allison: glad to hear you say the words “I’m going to relax!” B)

    Margaret: looking forward to your comments on “Eating on the Wildside”.

    Barbie: I don’t want to spend the money on redecorating either. But nothing has been done to those rooms in 20 years and my guy is moving in, so….

    Joyce: I have charger cords all over the place. Next to my bed (I put the phone in airplane mode when it’s that close to my head for that many hours), near the tv, in the car.

    Vicki: glad you are feeling satisfied.

    Waiting for the paint/fixup guys to come. Have to do some work, too. And try to straighten up the house where I can.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies~well I slept pretty well last night.. after all that cooking it wore me out lol
    and all that cooking was for the DH, I wont eat any of it.. I have to work all day as Zina is taking the day off..
    my girlfriend that lost her house a month ago ,with her kitties and puppies inside got a new dog yesterday ,they lost a basset hound and got a new one named Fred ,he is adorable and he slept with her daughter Lena last night,such an adorable picture..
    well I took a shower last night will get dressed and get ready for work. I will be running around all day,if I am up for it will go for a walk when I get home.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We are buying a beautiful old upright piano from a friend in Joplin, so today I have to find a piano mover. That should be fun. Then we need to have it tuned. We are hoping the kids will want to take piano lessons, but mostly hubby just wants it. There is a chunk of open wall space that is just crying out for a piano. Neither of us plays the piano, but hubby took lessons as a child and he thinks it helped his math skills and reasoning, or something like that.

    The kids are out of school today, so I thought I could sleep late, but no. Woke up at the regular time. Oh well.

    My weight pretty looked good this morning, but I need to go to the bathroom again and re-weigh. It's been a really LONG plateau this time.

    Gotta go get breakfast together. Have a great day!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Must be the cooler weather.....inland they have frost but we don't.....I slept well all night!

    Busy day, when DD comes home from am horse shift we have to do battle with Optima (IMO, the absolute worst useless health insurance co. in the world!!!!) over a bill they sent refusing payment from when the college nurse (an RN with a doctorate, no less!!!) sent her to the ER for a possible pulmonary embolism right before graduation. Even with having a PPO and paying hundreds monthly, they are not honoring their supposed one hundred dollar ER deductible and trying to charge her way, way more. This is also the insurance co. that thought she didn't need a painful planters wart removed from the bottom of her foot and refused to pay, finallly saying the dr. sent in incorrect paperwork and the time limit had passed......so, patient oriented, they are not! Tricky, greedy so-and- sos....scum of the earth. Please wish me luck, I hate dealing with these a$$es. Can't wait to get back to Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Jan.

    Later, have a race planning mtg. where I will try to talk the race director into appearing on the tv show spot I set up for the pre-race publicity. May get heated as I'm getting fed up. DH's advice was to just walk away from this one and I may end up doing that but I've been helping with this race for three years and the stubborn director has been a friend for over 10 years.

    So............Not anticipating a great stress-free day here. After a detour from counting my food, I'm going to try to start up again tomorrow......once more.

    Hello and best to everyone.