

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Good morning my friends! :flowerforyou:

    Did 624 calories this morning. :bigsmile:

    Still in blah mode. I haven't lost any more weight since I got back from NYC as, apart from exercising , I have just been lying on the sofa! Haven't been outside the house for days. Today I need to fill in my passport form. I HATE forms and have been putting it off. :noway: I have to get it done as I need to sort out the visa waiver for our trip to Sri Lanka and it is a bit unpredictable how long it takes to get the passport renewed. I can be an ostrich about these things. :tongue:

    The reson why I love my holidays so much is that is when I truly feel alive. I love feeling committed to the day's activities and to finding out as much as I can about the local area. "In the zone" as they say. Learning things is a passion with me. At home I am inclined to flop. One reason I am not depressed these days is that DH always eventually bucks me out of my flop and we get going on something fun together. We are good for each other. I know how lucky I am. <3

    Joyce - Have a great time!

    Meg - some of us have written lots of instructions in previous posts. You will have to read back.

    Have a good day folks! :flowerforyou:

    Heather in showery and chilly Hampshire UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    edited October 2014
    My baby girl has got so big. I can't believe she has grown so quickly! And DGS is at nursery now. Amazing!


    It's upside down again as that is how DDIL sent it to me, but if you click on the text underneath the small photo uou will get a right way up big photo. <3
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Let's try the picture thing! One is Christmas 2007 and the other is Christmas 2013. It's a slow process for me! vf10mcymzo8m.jpg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    DrKatieBug- you look spectacular.. and Heather just loved that picture of you in NYC... today i didnt get out to exercise yet, but will be mowing the lawn later and raking leaves.. we have to go get some wicks for the kerosene heater, and I have a load of laundry in the wash that i will get in the dryer soon.
    -made pecan pie bars finally for my DF so will drop them off and see how he is doing... then maybe go see my friend up the street, she is the one that lost the son, that came through with the medium yesterday. If I can talk to her without her hubby there it would be alot better.
    the fog is as thick as pea soup out there this morning, very chilly and our furnace is running..love seeing all this pictures, will see if I can post one or 2..
    Barbie- did you see that waterspout there in washington state yesterday, said it was the first one since 1997...
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    That is my DH in the first picture and my awesome DGS in the second. DGS is doing a great job of hiding the belly fat! I am still over 200 lbs and need to lose at least 30, preferably 50. I was right at 250 lbs in the first picture.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, how about something like this:


    They are solar lights, but there might be something similar you could get that could be wired in. Don't know if you could make the stems of the tiki torches longer so they could shine at the top of the slide, but I really like the tropical look of it. Maybe you could stack ceramic pots, like three on the bottom and one centered above with the torches in the top one, to raise the height of the lights, and put in tropical type plants.

    DrKatieBug! That's amazing! Thanks for the photo. What a huge difference. How much have you lost? I really miss the tickers. Maybe they will be back soon.

    I didn't sleep well again last night. Still have the same headache I've had for three days. It's not a bad one, just enough to notice. Centered behind my right eye. I think I'll talk to the pharmacist today and see what is ok to take along with all my other meds. So, I laid awake thinking of new ideas I have for projects in the studio. Once the sun comes up I will go up there and get busy. I have two outside shows in late November to get ready for, plus my own open house on December 12th. For that I need to clean the studio really well and put up some new shelves. Lots to do!

    I'm scared to get on the scale this morning. It feels like I binged all weekend, but in truth I was really careful. Still, it was more salt than I'm used to, plus I did not take my water pills for two days because I was afraid of having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the symposium. So, I anticipate at least some water weight.

    Well, I hope you all have a great day!


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    On our way to Florida as I speak!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited October 2014
    Morning Friends,


    Welcome newcomers :flowerforyou:

    DrKatie WOW!

    Off to church today.

    Today still working on bedtime routine. Did not do well last night.

    2014 word:contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    edited October 2014
    Dr.Katie-You look fabulous!!You look younger and very happy!

    Someone mentioned the end of kayaking for the year. I am hoping to get out two or three more times before we store them for the winter. We are scheduled to paddle in the Adirondacks Tuesday and a fall foliage paddle over the weekend. Will need to replace the kayaking with hiking then cross-country skiing or snowshoeing. I am going to try to just layer and walk regardless of the weather this winter. It can be a challenge as the wind is very strong up here on the hill. If all else fails, I have pretty much a full gym in my family room. I just really prefer to be outside.

    Need to get busy and actually accomplish something besides regular chores today. I need to sort through all my clothes and get rid of a lot. I need to steamclean a rug and put a coat of paint on our deck furniture. Best get started!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited October 2014
    G'morning everyone.

    Loving the photos!!

    I do believe today is garlic planting day. I dug the area earlier in the week, hubby tilled it up on Friday, and the rain coming in a couple of days will water it in. We plant about 200 cloves, harvesting in June, then we braid them on the 4th of July and hang them around in the kitchen & garage. They're fantastic roasted on the grill, we put 6 or 8 cloves on a skewer to serve with dinner. Just yum!

    I read something yesterday, thought you'd get a kick out of it.

    "Don't stress about your eyesight failing as you get older. It's nature's way of protecting you from shock as you walk past the mirror."


    :happy: jb in Portland

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Leslie in Tasmania: I’ll have to stop by and see what I find at Livinglite. :flowerforyou:

    Robin: How did your French Onion soup turn out? The only recipe I found was filled with things I can’t digest, so I’ve never made it. :flowerforyou:

    Renny: I’ll second the motion about the automatic next message board. I hope that it is just there for us. I thought that one of the advantages of the change was going to be no cut off at 500 posts. We’ll see what happens. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m groaning at that joke, and laughing, too. I hope your bruise is not serious. :laugh:

    Michelle: We have a very small number of homeowners and have met at restaurants and held events in our shared gazebo. Our annual meetings are not particularly fun since there is some infighting about a few issues. :noway: A man who wants to be on the board has his house for sale. I’d say that disqualifies him. A lunge line is a long lead rope attached to the horse’s halter. The person stands in the middle of the corral or arena, and the horse goes around in circles at the end of the line. You ask it to change directions and/or speed now and then. It has some very good aspects. If the horse is full of energy from being cooped up, you can burn off some steam. You can also work on creating a relationship with the horse in which you gain respect as the one in charge. People who are more skilled with horsemanship can probably explain this better. I expected my inner thighs to be on fire after my lesson, but they’ve done okay. :bigsmile: Yoga and biking are helping, and the portion of my lesson spent riding was only a bit over half an hour long. The ride at the beach on my birthday was an hour and a half, and my legs did okay then, too. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: After a trip I find there can be a “let down.” I think it is mainly because I’ve burned a lot of energy and my body needs to recharge. You were so active in New York that your body probably has a lot of recharging to do. :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: Your photos of before and after show an amazing amount of progress. You are looking younger and healthier now. I see I’m not the only one who thinks so. We must be right. Congratulations! Becoming as healthy as we can will always be a work in progress. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: I wonder what the experience with the medium was like for your neighbor, and whether it eased her mind. Was this the TV medium or someone else? I’ve seen that show a few times. I am open to the concept, but I’m not sure about the show. It isn’t up to me to judge, though. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Enjoy Florida! :bigsmile:

    JB: I love the quotation. I also wonder about planting garlic. Where do you get your starting cloves? It seems to me that I could tuck in some garlic here and there. :flowerforyou:

    I tried the smilie codes you were so kind to share with me. Thank you soooooo much! Last night my son texted us a picture taken in about 1980 that was of me with both of my kids. DH was the photographer. I haven’t seen that photo in ages, and really enjoyed the surprise. I’d lost the baby weight by the time it was taken, and hadn’t started stress eating from trying to balance the demands of home and work. :laugh:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!


  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Good Morning!

    The ankle is better today so I'll be taking my walk among the mangroves this morning, although I'm getting a late start.

    My plan is to go to the gym this afternoon to lift some weights. I also need to get some paperwork finished that I volunteered to complete for my former employer.

    The cooking class was so much fun! It was an Italian restaurant - not a Spanish name at all! :blush: We made raviolis stuffed with an artichoke-cheese mix; brushetta; and another pasta dish with a cream sauce; and some delicious wine from south america :drinker:

    Grandmallie - your story about the medium gave me goosebumps; she sounds like a keeper.

    riadams - I love the idea of french soup during autumn; how did it turn out? Do you have a way making is lower-cal?

    sonny1 - welcome! I'm glad you are doing fine now and are back on track. You are very brave to not give up! :smile:

    Jmkmomm - come on down! the weather is great!

    Deb A in CNY - wow! you have a busy day planned. Best of luck!

    Jb in Portland - funny, funny joke! I'm going to use that one.

    Here is an inspirational paragraph I copied out of a magazine last year:

    You're ready for your beautiful future.
    You have dreams.
    You have talents.
    You have hope and determination, and you know how to work hard.
    There's only one more thing you need.
    You need to see yourself for what you really, truly are:
    Someone destined to succeed!
    It's time to believe!

    Sending hugs to everyone - Mary from south Florida
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Sunday ladies. Well I weighed this morning as going to be a short work week with DGD with us. It was not good and I have to get back on track. Yesterday we went to the apple farm and did alot of walking and at the same time drinking fresh apple and cherry juice. Then today I am only working till noon and then we are going to the pumkin patch this afternoon with our DS and his family. So plan to do alot of walking there also. The weather yesterday was great for being outside. Hope today is as nice. I have cut back on the anti-depression meds. I have started taking one on even days and the other on odd and I do think I feel better. So hope that is a good sign of getting back on the wagon.
    DGD woke up this morning when I was getting ready for work and said her tummy hurt. I hope she is not getting sick. I had her cuddling with DH in the chair watching TV when I left. Hoping she would go back to sleep. I think we maybe over did it yesterday.

    Jane--keeping you and your friend in my prayers.

    DeeDee-Noel is very pretty. Thanks for sharing. That is the one thing about this new way of doing things, pictures show up better, now if they could get our profile ones bigger.

    Rori--Congrates on the smaller pant size.

    yanniejannie--prayers for you and Gin. It is not easy watching those we care about sick.


    Sylvia--Sounds like you are having a great time!! I agree with Katla that he has more to worry about then you do. 4-1. I know when we were on our trip to SD two night we stayed in a cabin it was DH and I and two women. It went well and we so enjoied the whole trip.

    Katla--Glad to hear your riding lessons are going well and having fun. Love the pictures and you are looking great!!

    Renny--love the picture. Grand children are the best!!

    Meg--Happy 18th Anniversary. Hope you have a fantastic time.

    Margaret--Thanks for sharing and the help.

    Sonny--welcome, come back often and get to know us and share. This is a great group.

    Just talked to DH and DGD and she is feeling better. Glad as I do not do sick kids well. She is excited about going to the pumkin patch this afternoon so planing to get alot of steps in and keep eating under today. Hope you each get to enjoy this beautiful Fall weather.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 477 Member
    edited October 2014
    Happy Sunday Ladies,

    I have missed a few days and am way behind. I want to wish you all a wonderful Sunday, I don't have much time today to read all of the posts.

    Today I did yoga, upper body weight workout and will do treadmill next.

    DrKatie, wow! You look wonderful!

    Meg, happy anniversary!

    Sylvia, beautiful work!

    Hugs to all I missed!

    Cindy in OK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    edited October 2014
    Katie - what a change! I hope you are really proud of yourself!, :flowerforyou:

    Feeling better about myself today. I get my energy blocked when I am not doing the things I should. :embarassed:
    I posted an overdue card, went down to the pub, with no makeup on, and booked the Christmas lunch for the yoga group. Photocopied lots of menus and booking lists. About 16 of us go.
    Planted the spring bulbs in the pots. Sprayed the weeds on the patio. Then I filled out my passport form. Hooray! Just have to go and get photos done tomorrow. :bigsmile:

    Amazing how much better I feel, having checked those off my to do list. :laugh:

    Got to get some broad (fava) beans for planting and garlic (thank you jb )

    Then only the tax left to do. :grumble:

    Raining again, washing all my weed killer away. :tongue:

    Love to all. Heather in showery Hampshire UK

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    The soup turned out great. It isn't that high in calories because it is just caramelized onions, low sodium beef stock. a little red wine, a little sherry and then garlic and thyme. The onions are slow cooked over medium heat in a tablespoon of olive oil until they are all gooey and golden brown. That's the labor of love part. My DH loves it so I do it for him. I prefer it with good cheese but I use a thin slice of lower fat swiss cheese to finish it off and I make my own crouton out of whole grain low calorie bread.

    I am really not sleeping well, I am not sure if it is the new medication but I seem to get restless legs when I crawl into bed and it takes me about 2 hours to finally get to sleep.

    I hope you are all doing well today.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited October 2014
    :) Hello there lovely ladies.

    Welcome to Sonny and Ludka. Hope you come back and post some more.

    (*) Robin - French onion soup sounds amazing. I think stirring onions for french onion soup should count as burning calories, just like the mere fact of thinking about you stirring should count for me :D How was it? I have not had french onion soup in ages. (Oh, I see you posted that in the meantime)

    (*) Sonny - hats off to you, dealing with cancer and now back to getting in shape. And good for you for training for Run the Bridge 10k. The achievement will be so satisfying.

    (*) DrKatiebug - you look awesome. Quite the transformation and you should be proud of yourself. There is nothing wrong with slow progress. I would guess that the majority of us identify. There is something to be said about keeping before pictures.

    (*) Deb A and Tina in MD - Kayaking sounds like a great upper body exercise as well as aerobic. Deb, it is awesome that you have a home gym. You both sound like the outdoorsy types. I am more an indoorsy type. Yet when I've have done an outdoor activity, I feel great.

    (*) jb - loved the quote. I just had a physical, and good-old doc discovered I actually don't hear that well with my left ear. Well, I already knew that long ago. I have been practicing my "selective hearing" skills and now have a perfect excuse. It's in my medical file. :p

    (*) Heather - I went back in time and saw your picture when you were on vacation. Wow!

    (*) Rori - smaller pant size is a thrilling problem to have. Congratulations!

    (*) Robin - I have restless legs. Some medication will do that or if you already have RLS make it worse. I take Co-enzyme Q10 every morning as recommended by my doctor, and keep a product called "restful legs" (made by Hyland, but there may be similar products) at my bedside to dissolve under my tongue when needed during the night. It has helped me greatly.

    In addition to me wondering about a maximum number of posts/replies per topic, I also wonder about how open to the public these forums are. We are all posting to the internet, and after an hour, these posts cannot be deleted. Just something be aware of when it comes to what we share.
    Almost lunch time. So I will sign off.

    Have a great Sunday,
    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends ~

    Katla: Congrats on starting your riding lessons and feeling no pain! :star:

    Joyce: Enjoy Panama City and the special time with family. :heart_eyes: Take a walk in that lovely sugar sand for me.

    Dr. Katie: WoW! Just WoW. :g Whatever you’re doing, keep it up.

    Heather: Bravo for getting all those tasks done. I can’t believe how fast your DGD is growing!

    Robin: I can almost smell your soup! Love, love, love caramelized onions. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    This morning I started master swim class. I have a lot to learn about stroke efficiency, doing stacks and sets, and overall getting more fit and fast in the water. The group that comes on Sundays is small, so I was able to have a lane to myself, which I much prefer. The calorie burn for 30 minutes of vigorous swimming is about 30% more than what I get from doing machines in a gym, so that alone give me great incentive! :sweat_smile:

    For now, I’ve got to run to the nail shop and get a mani-pedi. Next week I’ll be in Salt Lake City for a very important conference. Intense work and a lot of standing, ugh. :tired_face:

    Stay well. Stay strong.
    Rori in the Colorado foothills, where it’s going to rain any second.

    October goals:
    > Minimize consumption of alcohol to two servings per week
    > Register for and attend 50% of Master's swim course
    > Once a week, call someone just to say hello
    > Make plans for how I will use up my remaining paid vacation days
    Word for 2014 = Release
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello again. Here is a photo of hubby's picture of Mt. Ranier that we FINALLY got up on the wall. I'm pretty pleased with it. Now we have to decide what other things to put on the mantel to balance it. (That's Molly sleeping in the chair.) I tried to get Bruno in the other chair for the picture but he was not cooperating.

    <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/5021879/uploads/FileUpload/aa/5d5f9704773044ea9ece4d42120a3c.jpg&quot; />


    Don't know why it printed the image link AND the picture.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Kim in N. CAL :) How are things going with your roommate? I know you`ve been really busy lately, hope you`re doing okay.

    Lesley :) Hoping the tape measure and BF% will be good!!!

    Deb :) Hi! Hope you`re Oct. is going well too. While it`s a nice looking pic., I have no clue where your from.

    Rori :) Fantastic news on the pants being too big!!!! When the scale stalled I noticed I was still losing inches :bigsmile:!!!

    Yanniejannie :) So sorry to hear about your friend Gin :sad:! Hope DD is feeling better and NOT sharing her cold with you! I think I must be the only person who doesn`t care much for pumpkin, everyone around me is so crazy about it…bleh! More for everyone else!!!

    Alison :) I`m so sorry you have to deal with a cranky DH! I have to agree with the medium, you do take care of everyone else, it`s time for you to focus on you! I do
    Reiki and it`s a wonderful healing energy, I think you would be fantastic at it! If you`ve never had a Reiki healing session, I would suggest you look into getting one. There is a place here that does it for free, some people give a donation some don`t. Look into it, I think you`d really like it!

    Sylvia :) How wonderful to have such a great group of friends to share your passions with!

    Deb A :) It`s always good to see your posts!!! I took most of this year off renovating the house, now I`m thinking I like it and just may retire at the end of the year :bigsmile:!

    Mary in S.FL :) We have a wonderful store here that has cooking classes every week, I signed up for one in Dec., it`s a parent or grandparent & child or grandchild class. My 13 year old granddaughter said she would like to go. I just found out we will be making holiday treats and dog treats, they have 2 dogs and I know my granddaughter will love making “cookies” for them. I`m hoping the adults will get a glass of an adult holiday beverage! Thank you for the inspirational paragraph…it`s just wonderful!

    Margaret :) All electronics off an hour before bed, good for you!!! There have been times when I think I`ve dozed sitting at the computer!

    Jb :) Glad you`ve moved away from Porkerville!!! Hope your hip isn`t sore anymore!!! Roasted garlic is so good!!!!! Your garlic braids are gorgeous :love:!

    Cynthia :) On your jaw….ick…I had a blister on the inside of my upper arm and on my hand, but not on my face…yikes!!! Both of mine really hurt and I actually popped the one on my hand…ouch it hurt!

    Beth :) I`m so glad you eliminated the two church witches!!!! Happy birthday to DH tomorrow :flowerforyou:!

    Katla :) I`m so glad your first lesson went well and you like the teacher! Yay for being stronger!

    Renny :) What a lovely photo!!! You look marvelous :love:!

    Robin :) The soup sounds delish! Bodi and Ritter are adorable :love:!

    Meg :) I still don`t like this new format :noway:, some parts like posting pics is nice but the rest…yuck! Happy anniversary :flowerforyou:!!!!!

    Sonny :) So glad you`re doing good now!!!

    Joyce :) I know you`re going to enjoy every minute of your trip, hope you`ll post pics!!! Breathe in some of that nice salt air for me my allergies are still acting up!

    Michele :) When I get really tired I want to snack, I swear it`s because eating keeps me awake. I`ve decided to stop fighting it and just go to bed :yawn:! Hope you enjoyed the Diary of Anne Frank!

    Heather :) Hope the sun comes out and chases the blahs away! I think you just need to give your body a rest, you`ve been going like a tornado for several weeks! Gorgeous grandkids:love: !!!

    Katiebug :) You look marvelous!!!!

    Viki :) I agree the profile pics need to be bigger! Fresh apple and cherry juice sounds wonderful! I hope you enjoy your trip to the pumpkin patch!

    Cindy :) I bet Brian is loving his walks with you!

    I have had a busy weekend….I thought seriously about taking a nap this afternoon :yawn:, then I thought instead I would spend my time with all of you :love:! My youngest granddaughter spent the day with me yesterday, her sister was at a volleyball tournament all day. She is 8 years old and a bundle of energy, we were busy doing something all day. My daughter asked me what I do with the kids to tire them out so, I told her I play with them the entire time they`re with me :love:, she then said…you didn`t play with me like that…well…back then I didn`t have time to play all day, now I do :laugh: :tongue:! Today I spent the morning being queen of the coffee shop, we actually had to sit inside today, it is cold and rainy…yuck. I`m trying to find a new coffee shop for us, this Starbucks we`ve been going to for years is just awful, the coffee is awful and they changed the inside, instead of having tables to sit at they`ve gone to a bar across the window with bar stools, I think there is a total of 3 tables and if you get one of those you`re lucky, we were lucky this morning :bigsmile:! I just hate to pay the prices for their coffee and it`s not good…I got hot chocolate today instead, more calories than I wanted to use:grumble: but I just couldn`t face that coffee today :noway:.

    Think I will put on my raincoat and see if I can convince Noel to go for a walk, it`s not raining hard right now, just misty. I need to move some more today!

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!

    DeeDee in chilly and misty NC