

  • Hello Mikey! Thank you :) Aah I'm quite jealous... all of my friends and family have animal products daily. On the 7th day I have some kind of meat. I have completely cut out dairy. So I will have for example a very small lean fillet beef steak, maybe a chicken breast, stuff like that but very very limited in general... I…
  • Hello! And congratulations on what you have achieved so far :) Running is the main thing I do when it comes to exercise. I'm trying to run for at least 45 minutes about 3 times a week. My goal currently is to drop 4 pounds and to generally become stronger and tighter.
  • Thank you so much for replying, and for mentioning Freelee. I do believe that she is overdoing it, though sometimes I find myself watching her videos. I will start with a bit of animal products during the week and if I feel ok I will try to go vegan for most days till I reach 7 days :). Cooked sounds good as well, it makes…
  • I do think they are mostly used for desserts, or at least I've seen them being used for desserts. Otherwise, just in yoghurt, porridge or cereals :) I would include other fruits in there as well to top up the sugary taste without putting white/ brown sugar. Experiment, you never…