Vegan buddy?

I'm doing 6 days a week vegan, both for a bit of weight loss but also for general health :) anybody vegan please message me, I'd love to meet more people who do this.


  • hayolyvia
    hayolyvia Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 100% vegan. I've been logging my meals for the past two weeks now. I'm trying to lose about 10% body fat. I'm also a runner and want to be lighter on my feet. So far, I've dropped 2% body fat by keeping my fat grams around 10 per day. What are your goals?
  • Hello! And congratulations on what you have achieved so far :) Running is the main thing I do when it comes to exercise. I'm trying to run for at least 45 minutes about 3 times a week. My goal currently is to drop 4 pounds and to generally become stronger and tighter.
  • I have many vegan friends, one being one of my closest.
    I know a lot about it, but do not follow the diet.

    What do you do on the 7th day? :)

  • Hello Mikey! Thank you :)
    Aah I'm quite jealous... all of my friends and family have animal products daily. On the 7th day I have some kind of meat. I have completely cut out dairy. So I will have for example a very small lean fillet beef steak, maybe a chicken breast, stuff like that but very very limited in general... I like to think meat as a treat just like how our ancestors scarcely had any in the past and celebrated over it :) I'd go full vegan but due to family reasons and my gut instinct I don't want to cut out meat 100%. At least not now ;)