

  • maybe add a tbps of peanut butter (if ur not allergic) its taste yummy and PB has protien and its sticks to ur stomache maybe will make u feel fuller!
    in Im new Comment by tittles84 January 2011
  • I started a few ago. When I started logging my food and was trying to stay under my cals for the day I found that I wqas still hungry too. It gets better trust me. Its just that ur stomaache is use to eating whatever u want, and when u eat less to do ur cal counter its not filling it. so try and give it alittle bite I…
    in Im new Comment by tittles84 January 2011
  • To the people that have the Wii Zumba game did u lose any weight playing it? Good luck everyone!
    in Zumba Comment by tittles84 January 2011
  • Ive have watched almost all them. I wish i could lose that much weight that fast!. I just dont have the person that pushes them to do so. but Im trying my harest! Good luck!