Im new

Nat1988x Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Not sure what to write really - am nearly 19 stone, (am 22) and have tried so hard today and am still starving - any suggestions? I would be very grateful - not used to not eating pizza / crisps / chocolate on a friday night! lol x


  • mentalbeat
    mentalbeat Posts: 104 Member
    I'm newish here too nearly 1 week, I fully understand how you feel, it is friday night and I dont have a beer in my hand:grumble: and my chinese takeaway was replaced with a much tastier healthier home made version. It really does get easier and we are all here to support you. Just be true to yourself. Add me if you wish I will be here to support you.:happy:

    Johnny (mentalbeat):happy:
  • :smile: Thanks - have done so well and I dont want to ruin today - especially as its friday - an apple just doesnt seem to appeal right now, lol
  • I started a few ago. When I started logging my food and was trying to stay under my cals for the day I found that I wqas still hungry too. It gets better trust me. Its just that ur stomaache is use to eating whatever u want, and when u eat less to do ur cal counter its not filling it. so try and give it alittle bite I think this is my 2nd full week and I think my stomache is fill shriking to the size that I need it to bc ive been pretty content with how much im allowed to eat! Good luck hun. Stay postive! you can add me as a friend if u would like! :smile:
  • jadee76
    jadee76 Posts: 29
    I know it is hard to let go of the junk food, but there is so much good food out there that is healthy for you. I have a newfound passion for thai spring rolls. So yummy! and low in calories too!! Keep up the good work! :)
  • maybe add a tbps of peanut butter (if ur not allergic) its taste yummy and PB has protien and its sticks to ur stomache maybe will make u feel fuller!
  • jabberwockgee
    jabberwockgee Posts: 49 Member
    It takes awhile to get used to it. Eventually you will find food you like that doesn't have so many calories, but still fills you up.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Welcome. To both of you. I'm new to this site specifically, but I've been logging and tracking calories on LS for a long while. I just stumbled onto this site and joined for the helluvit.

    @Nat - You should never feel like your starving. Hell, you should never starve yourself in the first place. This is a good site for support from what I can tell. That's why I joined. To offer suggestions and whatnot. Remember any food you usually eat can still be eaten. It will just be modified with healthy alternatives to make it taste just as good, but without all of the bad stuff. I'm not sure what suggestions to offer since the only thing I could tell you, based on your intro, is to have a healthy snack in between meals so you're never feeling empty.

    The 1st attempt at switching up your diet and/or lifestyle is always overwhelming. Another thing you can do to start off, is to just literally add fruit and vegetables to your meals. Eating them along with what you normally eat should make you fuller faster.

    Anything else you need specific suggestions for, let me know.
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