

  • Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Fab idea Mel, I've got some lying around somewhere! It's almost dinner time now phew, I can stave off the hunger pangs for a while longer ;). You've all been great help though. Ahh our weather is similar today lunamare, gale force winds and rain, not ideal! Hope you recover from your injury soon!
  • I've had this so many times and as a mum of 4, I do carry extra weight around my belly but it's so annoying. The last person to ask was my next door neighbour and the kick up the butt I needed to lose some lbs, actually. It's very embarrassing though and something that's brought me to tears a few times now :(
  • Thanks all, some fab suggestions in there! I'm going to keep myself on the go and fingers crossed, it won't be too long til dinner time! I'm really glad I haven't given in and eaten loads as I know I'd be really disappointed with myself. I do just need to readjust and learn not to focus on food so much. Off to run up and…
  • Add me too if you like, I need some folks to spur me on a bit!
  • I'll send you a request, i'm just into week 2 and could do with all the motivation I can get! :)
  • Hi there! I'm new here too and loving it! I think it's great that you can keep track of everything all in one place! I'm looking to lose between 20-30 lbs, not decided on a definite yet. Welcome anyway! :)
  • I've just started using the boards too, find everything on here so helpful!
  • I'm from the UK, anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Thanks for the welcome guys :). I've got 3 boys of 9, 6 and 4 and my little girl is 2. They keep me on my toes anyway haha! Most of my weight gain has been through the pregnancies and after the last 2, I didn't really lose it so determined to do it now! Exercise wise, I've mainly been walking when I can but because my…