Thanks everyone! I've found that when I do low(er) carb, my sugars tend to rise. Logically, makes no sense. Right now I'm just focusing on my calories (1550/day) and exercise. And of course, having good BGs! I have a major issue with exercise though - I cannot seem to figure out a pattern regarding if my sugar goes up or…
Thanks Jessica!!!
This is the one I'll be doing - I currently go to kickboxing classes 4-5x per week where we do a lot of situps and pushups and squats and lunges. And of course, kickboxing. I love it! I'm mainly worried about the running associated with bootcamp! I'm a sloooow runner. But from what you all…
Me! 12 years, on the insulin pump (10 years).
Thanks all! I did have a HRM but I sold it a few months ago (d'oh) when I was jogging all the time. I have the Garmin GPS/HRM thing that i use for outdoor workouts, I guess I will rely on that for the most accurate reading! I don't plan on eating those calories I burn right away. Maybe once I get some good losses under my…
Half marathon = 13.1 miles full = 26.2 5k = 3.1 10k = 6.2 I've done 2 half marathons and after completing them know I am not ready for a full. The time to train is extensive, and I'm way too out of shape. I'd do some 5ks, build up to 10ks, and maybe try for a half in the next 8-10 months.
Thank you everyone! I feel very welcomed. =)