geregam Member


  • If you are basing everything on BF%, then you have to get an accurate measurement. The handheld units that the gym trainers use (or the ones built into fitness scales) may not be 100% accurate, but are close enough for the calculations you are doing. I made the mistake once of thinking i could get my weight down to…
  • I don't know about food burning calories (it seems like that's impossible, since food IS calories), but there are a number of foods that can increase your metabolism ( My favorite of this list are the spicy foods (jalapenos/habanero/curry) and green tea. As crazy as it sounds, having…
  • I had Achilles Tendonitis about 4 years ago, to the point where I could not walk. At the time, they gave me a steroid pack to reduce the inflammation, and then I went to Physical Therapy.. The PT helped more than anything else, and continuing it at home has kept the pain away: 1) Heat: Before doing any stretching…
  • I think it really depends on your current fitness level. If you are just starting an exercise regime, and you push it every day, you're going to hurt, period. Muscle soreness and fatigue are the two most common symptoms. Here's the best example I can think of: January 2, your local gym is FULL of people starting there new…
  • It really comes down to body fat math. I'm 6'4", and currently 239.6 lbs and 20.4% body fat, which puts my lean body mass at around 190.8. For men my age (18-39), my body fat % should be between 8 and 20%. If i were at 8%, my body weight would be 206, which is still above my medically recommended weight, but the body fat %…
  • has some workouts like that, however, they aren't usually stacked so high. My favorite from crossfit is 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats (no weight).. all for time.
  • Check out <a href="">The Walking Site.</a> They have a pretty good page with instructions on calculating your target heart rate and the different zones you can be in during exercise. Without knowing your resting hear rate, I'm just guessing, but it sounds like you're in the aerobic…
  • Here's a link for push-up progressions, which may help with your push-up issue As for crunches/sit-ups, I've never really seen a good progression that doesn't start with the basic crunch. I don't think it's cheating to wedge your feet under something,…
  • The home analyzers can vary a lot depending on how hydrated you are, among other factors. My advice to you is to follow the instructions on your particular scale, and make sure to take your measurements at the same time. Also, with body fat in particular, I wouldn't track it daily, you'll drive yourself nuts. You'd be…
  • If you're really looking for a change, you may consider While you probably won't be able to do the Workout of the day as they prescribe (at least, not initially), there are scaled work outs for all different levels. To get to the scaled workouts, go to the "Start Here" menu and select Brand X scaled workouts.…
  • 1) natural Peanut Butter isn't all that bad for you.. Yes, it's a lot of fat, but it's the "good" fat. The natural stuff doesn't have a ton of added sugar... That said, 2) Limit yourself to one serving a day. I know, it's difficult, but you have to.. there's really no other way around it. If you can, try to buy the nuts…
  • The only way running outside will burn more calories is if you run a lot of up hill slopes, the caloric output is the same on the treadmill as it is on a flat track. As for the give in a treadmill, set the incline to 1 or 2, which makes up for that give.. it's basically like running on the track. As for an elliptical or…
  • If you have enough self motivation (and don't need the video yelling at you for 90 minutes), has a very similar methodology in a more compact package. Crossfit's workout of the day (with warmup and cooldown) can usually be done in about a half hour. Add in a half hour of cardio, and you will have…
    in p90x Comment by geregam October 2009
  • You only budget yourself 1000 calories a day? I would think you want at least 1200-1300, as you don't want your body to go into starvation mode, then it'll just reserve any excess as fat. Like AliCawthon said, eat a healthy dinner and you'll be fine. If you still feel guilty, take a walk/run or hit the gym (whatever your…
  • Congrats to everyone on their runs over the weekend. Keep training and you'll find yourself doing what you never thought you could do. I ran Pittsburgh's Great Race yesterday, and turned in a PR 53:06 in the 10K component. Less than two years ago I could barely run a mile without stopping to catch my breath. As for me, the…
  • Well, it depends on your exercise level as well. If you are doing a lot of weight/strength training, more protein is a good thing, as it will help your body rebuild the muscle tissue that you're destroying as part of the weight training cycle. Even if you're trying to lose weight, you have to give your body the necessary…