

  • Hi Everyone! I kind of fell off the posting wagon a couple weeks ago, so i'm trying to get back at it. I've been doig pretty well with my workouts and food and am progressing little by little. I am in my second week of P90X. Today is pushups and pullups day, so I'll report back later. Hope everyone is having a great day!…
  • Unfortunately there are some trainers that just suck. You really want to do both cardio and weights. I'm not sure what you're doing eating wise, but try to aim for a clean eating lifestyle. I'm always looking for new articles and books to help me along the way ad these are my favorites- hopefully they can help you too! And…
  • weigh in for today- down 2 lbs. Still making up for the 5lb gain from last week but that happens from time to time. Everyone is doing super great! Keep up the hard work!
  • Hi All, Just did 125 crunches along with 45 min of weights. Need to get in some cardio before the day is through....
  • Ok, so I just did BL Cardio Max- that baby is a killer! I got through levels 1 and 2 and burned 500 cal! Woo Hoo! I also started a lean round of P90X today so I did 60 min of core. My boyfriend and I usually do pull ups and crunches together, so I'll report on my number later. Question: How much water are you all drinking…
  • Weighinginwithmy02- Looks like you are in a similar position to myself. Good luck!
  • I'm anther fan of Beachbody workouts! My favs are P90X and Turbo Jam. I'm doing Chalean Extreme right now, but nothing beats Tony! Other DVDs I like are Jillian's 30 day shred and the BL dvds. Not really a big fan of Tae bo though....
  • Hi All, Mind if I join you? I'm really looking for more people to keep me accountable and this looks like a great group! I started in January at 263, and last friday I weighed in at 255. I will just be ecstatic to get under 200, but my big long term goal is around 160. I LOVE lifting heavy weights but can't stand cardio.…
  • I also usually start the day with eggs- whether it's whole eggs or egg whites. Other things I try to make sure are in my diet are chicken, lean meats and fish. Some of my snacks include, protein shakes, cottage cheese, cheese, lunch meat (usually turkey) and natural peanut butter (be careful about the amount though) Hope…
  • Hahaha....Jon and I met online about 6 years ago and I was the one to tell my mom we met through friends. She still doesn't know! I thought he was a big nerd too, but now he's my big nerd! Awww.....
  • Two Danielles in a row! Heather- your story makes me laugh. I had a similar story with my boyfriend and to this day he still teases me about whether I'm 5'10 or 5'11 or 5'10 1/2.
  • How tall are you? 5'11 What is your weight? 255lbs What is your build? med-large frame How much do you workout? 5-6. I aim for 6 a week, but sometimes life gets in the way. How much do you eat average daily? It depends on my workouts program I'm doing, but right now I'm really working on getting my calories right at or…
  • Hi Barbie I like to eat Kashi Golean Crunch when I'm eating clean cereal. I think the best clean eating cereal though is good old fashioned oatmeal. I'm not a big fan of soy milk, but I'm lactose intolerant, so I usually buy fat free lactose free milk at the store. Mind you, I'm still not drinking too much milk, but this…
  • Hi All! Mind if I join? I've been working on this eating clean lifestyle for awhile and I think I'm finally in a place where I can stay committed and my body is responding well! For myself, clean eating is 100 times more difficult than the workouts! Each week I try to focus on one thing that I feel I need to improve in…
  • P90X is my favorite (LOVE Tony !!!!) followed by TJ and then Chalean Extreme.... Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Hi Ladies! I just started back logging my food here and saw this topic.... I'm in my final week of the push phase. I've been doing those workouts and adding in extra cardio like TJ and intervals. I love that I'm lifting more than I ever thought possible, but I tend to get really bored with the workouts. I'm determined to…