

  • Great, thank you :)
  • To the last two replies: That is exactly when I do weigh myself :) kzeffert-- It's very disheartening! But I will try to be patient. I've lost about 98-100 pounds so far, and I'm trying to lose the last 10-15 pounds, and it is just so freaking difficult! Especially with the setting change (I had finally gotten into a…
  • mauryr-- Haha, actually, yes, I had Chinese food the night before last, and last night I ate popcorn--so two incidents of high sodium. That definitely could be part of it. As for weigh-ins--I always weigh myself at the same time of day, wearing the same thing, but I suppose time of day that I did the cardio exercise would…
  • I don't log it, but I definitely don't eat 1200 calories a day. It's definitely not that I've been eating too much. I have been eating more than I was before, but still probably not 1200 a day.
  • The exercise I'm doing isn't different from what I was doing before...before, I was doing zumba and also running, but now because my university is over for the summer, I'm doing swimming and running, so I'm doubtful that it's muscle gain. I'm thinking that maybe going from twice to three times a week of zumba classes on…
  • good work! I started at 236 and I'm now 143 so I totally feel ya on getting below that mark! it feels AWESOME! bask in it :)
  • Hey! I started my weightloss at 236 pounds and I've now lost almost a hundred pounds, so I would love to be a supporter of yours in any way :)
  • I am significantly under my calorie goals and I don't tend to eat my exercise calories either, so maybe it is my metabolism :( but I'm scared to start eating more because it doesn't feel like that makes sense for weightloss.
  • Yes, you should adjust how many calories you take in when you lose weight, but NEVER dip below 1200. That isn't healthy!
  • It's not a stupid question at all! I think it depends on how close you are to approaching your goal weight and what your current caloric goal is, daily. If you haven't yet reached your goal, stick with the same caloric intake (I'm assuming it'd be around 1200, because that's what mine is for weightloss, but if I'm wrong…
  • What types of strength training do you recommend? As in, what weight machines should I be using?
  • I need to eat a lot?! O_O!