why am I not losing weight?!



  • lingdi
    lingdi Posts: 15
    Great, thank you :)
  • gregthegroove
    Muscle, maybe?

    People always might be saying you are "gaining muscle". I would REALLY watch out with that statement. I hope everyone here knows and understands just how hard it is to put on 4 lbs of muscle?

    For an overweight person on a diet, that is probably never the case. Body builders and health nuts dream of putting on 4 lbs of muscle. Further that its nearly impossible to put that kind of muscle on in that short amount of time.

    It could be a myriad of other things such as water retention, too much salt intake. Your body will do what it wants to do and let it. Just keep going and do the same thing every day and count calories and in the long run you will achieve your results.

    Dont base it on a short window of time. Its useless to think that way.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    You need to eat more, not just to lose weight, but if you are that close to your goal weight your body will not tolerate a high caloric deficit. Go to 1 pound or even .5 pound per week and eat the calories you are assigned.

    Also, you need to log food. Without doing so you are at best guessing, and that is the other possibility, you are eating way too much. Since you don't log all your food I can't say that for sure because I have no idea what you have been eating. The two best things I have done to lose weight was purchase a good kitchen scale so I can weight what I eat and get the portion size correct, and two, logged everything.
  • randisaucier
    randisaucier Posts: 178 Member
    I don't log it, but I definitely don't eat 1200 calories a day. It's definitely not that I've been eating too much. I have been eating more than I was before, but still probably not 1200 a day.

    It's not that you are eating too much.....you are NOT EATING ENOUGH!! I know it goes aganist everything you have ever heard......but do some research....EAT MORE LOSE MORE!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    You look super thin in your picture. Maybe you don't need to lose any more. On the days where you filled out your food diary you were not eating nearly enough. You had a lot of days not filled out...so its kinda hard to tell whats going on. If you don't eat enough though your body is going to hold on to everything you eat because it thinks it is starving.