

  • LMAO! Am I the only one who thinks Jillian has a crush on Natalie? I did L2D2, tonight and wanted to cry for mommy. I might go back to L1 for a few days.
  • Way to go RubyRed! I just did level 2 day 2, but didn't do as well with level 2 as I did yesterday... couldn't finish the last circuit. :o(
  • ME ME ME! I'm on day 4, although I started level 2 today. Holy hamstrings batman! Jillian sure does love her lunges.
  • Frozen veggies are good options when you want produce that isn't in season. Very cost-effective and is healthier than canned veggies. I'm starting to explore some more mediterranean/Middle Eastern foods which are heavy on the beans. For breakfast I eat old fashioned oats (like $3.50 for a huge container that lasts weeks)…
  • This is a great thread. I just got back from a week-long vacation with my inlaws. They drink more than I do, so, ummm. yeah. Lots of indulging this month. Now I'm stuck with the vacation hangover. No more nightly gin & tonics and mid-morning bloody mary's. Boo.
  • If you start having pain in your knees, ankles or feet - stop! I gave myself plantar fascitis a few years ago from overdoing it while obese, and it took months to recover. Now I'm starting to run again, but taking it really slow. It's amazing how hard running is on your joints - especially when you're obese. Just be…
  • quaker mini rice cakes - caramel corn flavor carrots & hummus skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. nummy!