Like Minded Lushes June 2011



  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Oh, Faith, I like my beats fast and my bass down low too!!!!!

    Amy, we just snagged Hubs' projector from school (his is on a cart, mine is mounted on the ceiling) and then we connect it to a laptop and then hook up computer speakers. It's pretty fly.

    Yes, I just said "fly".

    I'm currently drinking a Summer Shandy and tutoring a kid. :laugh: We're chatting online about a book we're both reading--he's in the mountains and I'm at home. It's pretty awesome!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Serial post!!

    I'm going to start counting my drinks on Monday, because it's not Monday and I haven't had too much to track. :drinker:

    Monday (so far)=1
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member

    I am done for the week and now have to burn that all off in exercise...ugh...that's about 2500 calories...I am ready for all my company to leave and have a break from visitors

    My Grandmothers has a saying "Company is like leftovers, after 3 days they both start to stink"

    Mine said company is like fish, after 3 days.... yada. Pisses my mom off every time I tell her we are only going to stay 3 or 4 days. :laugh:

    My in laws have been staying with us for the last SEVEN DAYS!!! Eight of us in a two bedroom apartment.. FML! Cannot wait till Wednesday night - beer awaits me.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    ok sarah, that's just horrific. :noway:
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    ok sarah, that's just horrific. :noway:

    I was mortified when I first heard. At least I like them and get along but 7 days is too long. I understand we live in an awesome city now and everyone wants come and visit to see the sites but GEEZUS! It's too much.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Holy carp, Sarah! That's a realllllly long time! I'm so glad that both my parents and the in-laws live in the same area. I told Hubs that if we ever moved it would have to be to a crappy place so no one wants to visit.
  • BhanGoes
    BhanGoes Posts: 75 Member
    Back spasms + no meds = self-medicating last weekend with Vodka! Always a slippery slope since booze leads to indulging in hangover brunches and laying around watching movies instead of working out.

    Monday = 0
  • Back spasms + no meds = self-medicating last weekend with Vodka! Always a slippery slope since booze leads to indulging in hangover brunches and laying around watching movies instead of working out.

    Monday = 0

    Been there, done that a LOT! Only then I usually order the whole left side of the menu from Taco Bueno, too!! :blushing:
  • ha at your big fat L Marti. Did ya make a fool texting? :laugh:
    I'm still paying for that night I went loco in texts and on the computer. :embarassed:

    I'm going to be good this week..well until Friday at least, where I will then be at the beach and on vacay for a while. I know I will be drinking then, because I will need to in order to survive certain family members!! :drinker:

    No outrageous texts, thank goodness... Just drank a lot! Not even sure how I was walking/talking after 9 on Saturday. But we were outside all day/evening around my mom's pool... So maybe the heat absorbed some of the alcohol! HAHAHA!! :laugh:
  • StacyBMe
    StacyBMe Posts: 30 Member
    LOVE this post! I gave up smoking...I gave up soda...but cant/wont give up my wine:happy: :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    DH bought Sweet Tea vodka. I haven't tried it yet but I really want to. I think I will. I came home from work and cleaned the bathrooms and vacuumed the stairs so I did do something good once I got home.
  • jamhamm
    jamhamm Posts: 7
    This is a great thread. I just got back from a week-long vacation with my inlaws. They drink more than I do, so, ummm. yeah. Lots of indulging this month.

    Now I'm stuck with the vacation hangover. No more nightly gin & tonics and mid-morning bloody mary's. Boo.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Monday - 2 bottles of wine.

    Well that's my quota for the week, no more! :laugh:
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    ah crap, I see a plate of salsa beside me. I think I made nachos last night. :laugh:

    Up side of that I am not sick = lots of exercise today woohooo! I so hope it is sunny again today. It has been raining and freezing last few days. (Winter here) Yesterday was gorgeous whilst I was at work. I am hoping it is lovely weather today so I can get a long beach walk in!
    My daughter was there a few years back at this time of year. I remember having to pack her for fairly cold weather but she never complained about it being too cold and all of her pictures were beautiful. It was odd though when she would call me at like 5am (here) to tell me goodnight :wink:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    We were supposed to have a neighorhood movie night last night (we project a movie onto a neighbor's white house and we watch it from our yard/patio) so we all started off by drinking...then it rained so the women-folk and kids moved to one house so the kids could watch the movie and the men stayed at our house and watched hockey and drank beer. I drank...a lot.

    Not sure about tonight, it's supposed to be chilly so there probably won't be much outdoor time, which gets me into trouble, so most likely we'll be indoors, perhaps playing some Wii dance so I can shimmy the calories off. :laugh:
    That sounds like such an awesome time... I wish my neighborhood did movie night!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    DH bought Sweet Tea vodka. I haven't tried it yet but I really want to. I think I will. I came home from work and cleaned the bathrooms and vacuumed the stairs so I did do something good once I got home.
    DON'T STRAIGHT SHOOT IT!!!! Made that mistake once and never drank it again! It's really good on the rocks though but for me personally I ruined it by straight shooting it after we ran out of whiskey and regular vodka:sick:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I've made it 7 days without a drink... Whooo Hoooo! I have a bottle of red wine that I opened a week ago that I really need to drink though... Might just have to use it for cooking. Had a great weekend with the family. We went to the Saturday Market and got some awesome new cajun spices that I can't wait to try out. We go there every year to get a specific blend but I got new ones this year that I think will be perfect on fish:bigsmile:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Robin, I'm telling you, mix it with lemonade for a "Naughty Arnold Palmer"...sooooo good!!!!

    I stuck with my one beer yesterday.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Robin, I'm telling you, mix it with lemonade for a "Naughty Arnold Palmer"...sooooo good!!!!

    I stuck with my one beer yesterday.


    Sounds delish....

    Monday, 2 glasses of wine

    Total: 2

    Goal: < 15
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