Like Minded Lushes June 2011



  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    So its Philly beer week and we might not get a chance to get out and try anything so we loaded up on some delicious (never had) craft beers over the weekend.....spent a ridiculous amount of money too!!!! So I decided to forego my usual wine and split a beer a night with my husband. Last night was Dogfish Head Theobroma (its a chocolate beer with chiles and trees spices, not at all what you'd expect from a chocolate beer, it had a golden color and had quite a citrus smell....very very good...9%abv)....we split the 22oz and I have no idea how many calories were in it, but I saved myself 300 to be on the safe side.
    Tonight is Dogfish Black and Blue 22oz...splittng it of course, so 11oz is 266 calories, not too bad!!!! Its a Fruit beer, which I like every once and a while but it IS dogfish head so its gotta be pretty decent!!!! Oh and its 10% abv :)
    Enjoy your day!!!

    I love Dogfish Head's beers. My favorites are the IPA's specifically the 120 min IPA.

    I would so love to try that Chocolate one! :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 3 glasses of wine
    Tuesday, 1 glass of wine

    Total: 4
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Anyone else find they're not quite as, umm, regular when you don't drink for a few days running? However much I cram my diet with high-fibre food, fruit and vegetables, it takes a couple of glasses of red to get things moving and get a weight loss!
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I was sooooo hungover sunday I ate so much food.....wawa chicken salad shorti with 1/2 bag of kettle chips, chicken lo mein/friend rice/general's taos chicken/egg roll, reese's milk shake and 1/2 bag of was seriously ridiculous, I was about 1500over calories for the day...but it sure helped my hangover :laugh:

    If I really rock it the night before (and I mean really like you can feel the hangover headache while you sleep and you wake up so dry you are coughing) I seem to always find my lushy hungoverness craving some serious mexican or chinese food. I literally eat my face off and then not only am I hung over the rest of the day but now bloated and salt shaker like.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    So its Philly beer week and we might not get a chance to get out and try anything so we loaded up on some delicious (never had) craft beers over the weekend.....spent a ridiculous amount of money too!!!! So I decided to forego my usual wine and split a beer a night with my husband. Last night was Dogfish Head Theobroma (its a chocolate beer with chiles and trees spices, not at all what you'd expect from a chocolate beer, it had a golden color and had quite a citrus smell....very very good...9%abv)....we split the 22oz and I have no idea how many calories were in it, but I saved myself 300 to be on the safe side.
    Tonight is Dogfish Black and Blue 22oz...splittng it of course, so 11oz is 266 calories, not too bad!!!! Its a Fruit beer, which I like every once and a while but it IS dogfish head so its gotta be pretty decent!!!! Oh and its 10% abv :)
    Enjoy your day!!!

    I love Dogfish Head's beers. My favorites are the IPA's specifically the 120 min IPA.

    I would so love to try that Chocolate one! :drinker:

    Chris we had the Sah'tea that other day too and it was really nice. Dogfish head makes and amazing beer. We are going to the brewery this summer....can not wait!!!!!
    I've never had their 120min, its really hard to find, but I have enjoyed their 60 and 90 min!
    If you can get a hold of the world wide stout, try it out, its pretty amazing and VERY high in ABV, think we spent 9bucks on one 12oz beer.......
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I was sooooo hungover sunday I ate so much food.....wawa chicken salad shorti with 1/2 bag of kettle chips, chicken lo mein/friend rice/general's taos chicken/egg roll, reese's milk shake and 1/2 bag of was seriously ridiculous, I was about 1500over calories for the day...but it sure helped my hangover :laugh:

    If I really rock it the night before (and I mean really like you can feel the hangover headache while you sleep and you wake up so dry you are coughing) I seem to always find my lushy hungoverness craving some serious mexican or chinese food. I literally eat my face off and then not only am I hung over the rest of the day but now bloated and salt shaker like.

    As I'm getting older I notice that hangovers last atleast two days :laugh: I used to be able to kill it friday night, saturday and sunday all feeling great that if I drink too much saturday, monday I'm still recovering. But as you can see that hasn't stopped me, haha!!!
  • nll002
    nll002 Posts: 18
    I've gone a week and a half without and it's killing me!! It is incredibly hard to sit through the NHL playoffs without a drink in my hand! I feel like something is missing! I'm trying to hit a mini goal in the next 2 months, so I'm using a reward to convince myself to avoid alcohol - I'm going to Las Vegas in August. Every time I think about a drink (or some really good tasting/bad for me food) I remind myself that nothing around here is going to taste as good as all the booze I will be downing in Vegas!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am going to Vegas in July but I don't think I could not drink til then! when you get there you will be such a lightweight, you'll probably get drunk on one drink-but that will save money:tongue:
    Last night I had half a bottle of wine, it was a savignon blanc. I feel a little hungover today. Allergies too, yuck.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I was sooooo hungover sunday I ate so much food.....wawa chicken salad shorti with 1/2 bag of kettle chips, chicken lo mein/friend rice/general's taos chicken/egg roll, reese's milk shake and 1/2 bag of was seriously ridiculous, I was about 1500over calories for the day...but it sure helped my hangover :laugh:

    If I really rock it the night before (and I mean really like you can feel the hangover headache while you sleep and you wake up so dry you are coughing) I seem to always find my lushy hungoverness craving some serious mexican or chinese food. I literally eat my face off and then not only am I hung over the rest of the day but now bloated and salt shaker like.

    As I'm getting older I notice that hangovers last atleast two days :laugh: I used to be able to kill it friday night, saturday and sunday all feeling great that if I drink too much saturday, monday I'm still recovering. But as you can see that hasn't stopped me, haha!!!

    Here here on the hangovers! Gross! I am going to abstain tonight (a pregnant friend will be there so that shouldn't be too difficult) but will surely drink a ton of beer tomorrow :( When you cheer for the Kansas City Royals, you have to!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Chuisle-Great before and after bikini shots....Looking Good :love:
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    We're going to the cinema this week to try and keep me on track and losing, I've gotta shift the rest of this weight to fit into my bridesmaids dress asap!

    I did well last night -- no drinks, and a hard workout at the gym! Tonight we are going to the movies, but unlike you Jingly, this is not an attempt to stay on track. We're going to the Alamo Drafthouse, which serves dinner and drinks! It is super-awesome but I know I will have a drink, no matter how much I claim right now I won't. I think I am gonna try white wine. I find I sip on it I will have less. AND way less calories than all the yummy craft beers I like there. Hopefully just a glass or two.

    Half-way to the weekend!

    Chuisle -- you do look awesome!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    We're going to the Alamo Drafthouse, which serves dinner and drinks! It is super-awesome but I know I will have a drink, no matter how much I claim right now I won't. I think I am gonna try white wine. I find I sip on it I will have less. AND way less calories than all the yummy craft beers I like there. Hopefully just a glass or two.

    I've been to the Alamo Drafthouse when I was visiting my sister in law in Austin....what an amazing idea. We always wanted one in our area....AND we are finally getting one :happy: YAY!!! It's not a Alamo Drafthouse but something similar...Movie Tavern!!!!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member

    I've been to the Alamo Drafthouse when I was visiting my sister in law in Austin....what an amazing idea. We always wanted one in our area....AND we are finally getting one :happy: YAY!!! It's not a Alamo Drafthouse but something similar...Movie Tavern!!!!

    Oh awesome! I love the Drafthouse! And they just made national news with this awesome PSA about texting in theaters:

    (Oh -- not really safe for work audio-wise...lots of cursing...)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    I saw it this morning...glad that they threw them out
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    still feeling weird. But now its like hungover weird and not drunk weird. Had to eat fish and chips for lunch cuz I needed greasy. I really don't get why one bottle of wine hit me so hard.
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    Hi....My name is Shannon....and I am a lush. :wink:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hello Shannon. Welcome. :drinker:

    Last day of school tomorrow...and I think I'm more excited than my kid is. Celebrating with a glass of wine. Here's to SUMMER! (Now if it would only get warm here..I know the rest of you have been baking in the heat..but not us out here on the west coast. I'm still in sweats!! :grumble: )
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    I so want in on this group! I have been needing to cut out the liquor and beer:drinker: but its sooo hard :grumble:

  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hello, this is my first mfp alcohol confession in....well...forever....i decided instead of eating i was going to drink all my calories and so i drank for 11 hours straight yesterday and only had 2 eggs worth of egg beaters....thats totally healthy right?
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    has anyone tried the skinny girl Margarita? Is it anywhere near as tasty as the real stuff?
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