30 Day Shred Group - July



  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    I have bought the 30DS from iTunes and will start it this weekend. I have to first buy the adaptor to connect my ipad to the TV. I can't wait though, really looking forward to it. I love the idea that it is only about 20-25 minutes a day... I always feel too time crunched to do an hour workout.

    Welcome, Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    L1D7 done!! Only 3 more days of level 1!!!! And the major plus even tho I've gone up 2 pounds I have lost 6 inches in the past week!

    That's FABULOUS!!! Keep up the good work!
  • Can I whine a minute? I hurt.. lol.. oooooooo I hurt. It's not as bad as it could but, but dang it's getting annoying. I need to get stuff done around the house for a birthday party this weekend and I'm moving at a snails pace. lol. Maybe I need a cup 'O Joe!

    i feel your pain girl lol. it takes me forever to put my hair up in a ponytail because my arms ACHE and i look like a zombie walking down the stairs because my legs are so sore, i can't bend them. love the soreness, i just hate looking like a crazy person hahaha.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Day 8 Lv 1 done today! Two more days until Lv 2, heh, I'm a little nervous. Level 1 is finally feeling like it flies on by, and now I've got to get used to something new. I want these inches GONE though before I fly to the UK next month. Nothing like sitting on a plane, transatlantic, feeling like your *kitten* is hanging into your neighbor's seat. :huh:
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Did Level 1 Day 5 today... I'm not sore at all anymore! Yay!
    I really shouldn't have bought the 5lb weights, because the side lunges with arm raises are killing me when I'm doing them!
    It seems to be going faster though! And it's getting a little easier, but I still can't do push-ups lol.
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    i just got the dvd three days ago.. did the L1 for two days and although it was tough it wasn't enough... well I did L2 today and sheeesh..I think I'll stick to that for now. I'm too scared to even look at L3...hehe. please tell me it gets easier... :P
  • Level 1 day 3. I HATE jumping jacks and jump rope!! Other than that I am happy with it.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    L1D10 just finished. Starting L2 tomorrow. I've been measuring my waist and my thigh and no change yet. No change in the scale either. But, my pants did feel a little looser the past couple days. Also, my calves are TIGHT. There is a is a cut under the calf muscle on the back of the leg, and one running on the outside of the leg, parallel to the shin. Even when I was thin in my teens and early 20s I never had any definition. Also, my arms feel tighter. No definition yet, but I think I may be losing some of the under arm jiggle.
    Everything in the middle has stayed the same, at least visually. The muscles are forming under there, it'll just take a little while longer to find them.
  • hannahyareli
    hannahyareli Posts: 7 Member
    hello all,
    this is my first time i join an exercise forum...today
    will be 3rd day L1. I hope participating in a group
    such as this will keep me motivated.
    Level 1 is kicking my butt, my legs mostly.
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    Can I whine a minute? I hurt.. lol.. oooooooo I hurt. It's not as bad as it could but, but dang it's getting annoying. I need to get stuff done around the house for a birthday party this weekend and I'm moving at a snails pace. lol. Maybe I need a cup 'O Joe!

    Take a hot bath, it will help with your soreness. I did my 2nd day of exercise today with the 30 day shred and could hardly sit down or get up I was so sore. Took a hot bath tonight and feel and move so much easier. I am still sore, it is not a miracle cure but it does not hurt as much and I can move without moaning every step of the way (literally) LOL!! Good luck with it.
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    hello all,
    this is my first time i join an exercise forum...today
    will be 3rd day L1. I hope participating in a group
    such as this will keep me motivated.
    Level 1 is kicking my butt, my legs mostly.

    Mine were today after I worked out. I took a hot bath tonight as hot as I could stand it and got out feeling so much better.
  • jamhamm
    jamhamm Posts: 7
    lol! i'm not sure why but i love this bit in the third circuit of cardio -

    'last 30 seconds- i want you floating off the ground right now! coz you're strong! THIS IS EASY FOR YOU! NOTHIN YOU CAN'T DO!!!!'

    makes me feel good every time. maybe thats just coz we're near the end by then though.:laugh:

    haha I don't know why but everytime I hear her say that it pisses me off! lol

    Pisses me off too. Especial when she said they're doing it with us and we're all in the same boat together... I'm thinking "Girl I'm 209lbs, you're nowhere in the same boat as me" lol....

    OR....."you see these abs? These abs don't come for free. I want abs like those and I would do just about anything to get them." (not an exact quote but you get the idea) HUH??? You have abs like those...look down and you will see them! :huh:

    haha exactly! I'm like b!tch please! :tongue:

    LMAO! Am I the only one who thinks Jillian has a crush on Natalie?

    I did L2D2, tonight and wanted to cry for mommy. I might go back to L1 for a few days.
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    L1D3 down for me tonight! I ran before I did it and I have to say I can feel a lot more strength in my legs already!! I shaved my mile time off over a min and a half! I was very pleased with myself! Ran for 43 mins then came home and did 30DS and boy did I ever sweat. My legs aren't feeling as bad but my arms are sore! Looking forward to being a week into this so things will level out lol. I'm scared tomorrow though because I'm getting on the scales. I'm expecting the worse, but still don't wanna see it go higher! :( We'll see and I'll update after I weigh! :)
  • hannahyareli
    hannahyareli Posts: 7 Member
    D3L1 done! had my 3 young nieces cheering me
    on, so i had to push myself. not too bad my arms get tired
    but not as bad as my legs.
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Day 5 Lvl 1 tonight. I did 22 real push ups and16 mod push ups. Each night I get more real push ups. I'm 1/2 way to Lvl 2.
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member

    LMAO! Am I the only one who thinks Jillian has a crush on Natalie?

    No you are not, although I thought she had a thing for Anita with all that touching.

    D3L1 done. I absolutely could not get up early this morning so I had to wait until tonight to do it. It seemed soooo much harder. I'm wearing myself thin. I think I may have to do six days and take one day off per week just so I can refuel.

    On another semi-unrelated note, a guy at work said I was looking thinner. Obviously 3 days into the shred, that can't be it. But it's nice to hear.

    Happy Friday tomorrow!!
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    I was thinking the same thing about Jillian crushing!!! But I thought it was Anita she was crushing on and if you watch Anita sometimes it looks like she's crushing on Jillian too! So cute! "Isn't that right buddy?"

    Finished D7L1. I missed a day yesterday. Even started it and just gave up and shut down the DVD. I waited until too late which I've been doing too often lately. Anyone else having a tough time trying to talk themselves into it? And when I do start it I have no drive or energy. I'm hoping it will get better cause there's no way I can move onto L2 this way. :yawn:
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    Hello out there (:
    This is my first time using the boards on here, and I actually bought 30DS just because of all the ranting I saw on my iPod app!
    Anyways, I'm starting as soon as I log off of here, and closely tracking my results. I have pictures & stats of me right now on my blog.
    Please feel free to friend or message me so we can compare our results and track ourselves.
  • karenodonut
    karenodonut Posts: 28 Member
    Day 7 Level 1 of 30DS done. Still not feeling ready for Level 2. But definately feel stronger. And I've lost 2lbs since last Saturday.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    I just finished it. The ab part made me feel like I was gonna puke but I went thru it. I have a feeling tmrw is gonna be terrible hehe.
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