30 Day Shred Group - July



  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    Arg! :angry:

    The scale HATES me. +2 lbs since last Friday. I doubt it's muscle this time. Dammit!

    It's your muscles holding water since they are stressed. trust the tape measure:smile:

    Tape measure hates me too.

    me too, I have gained 2lb and 1/2 inch on my waist so week 1 of 30day shred did not go well :grumble:
    I went to bed last night feeling really down and I was well over on my calories and I didn't do any exercise including 30day shred :frown:
    I am about to go for a bike ride now and plan to do L1 D8 when I get back (only 1 day late)
  • aly1221
    aly1221 Posts: 55
    oook it's been a tough few days...feeling soooo sore and i should have known it would come because i wasn't when i first started lol
    i only did like half of it yesterday because i wasn't feeling well at all...so i hope i can just get back into it and get it back into my day :)
    hope everyone else is doing awesome!!
  • aly1221
    aly1221 Posts: 55
    Arg! :angry:

    The scale HATES me. +2 lbs since last Friday. I doubt it's muscle this time. Dammit!

    It's your muscles holding water since they are stressed. trust the tape measure:smile:

    Tape measure hates me too.

    i just posted but i measured a few days ago and...


    my waist has gotten bigger and i was very unhappy about that!! but my hips got smaller....soo idk about that...and my scale hasn't moved since i started
    just keep it up because who knows what 30 days will look like...at least that's what i tell myself (when i'm not sore and hiding the video so i don't feel bad lol)
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I can't do push-ups (not even when i was super skinny as a kid) So I just hold myself in the plank position the whole time.

    Good idea for a modification!!

    Another mod is to do push ups on the wall while standing up. Then you will probably be able to do them with your knees bent on the floor after awhile.

    Thanks for the idea =) ... And for saying that about your HRM being 26min. I was hoping mine wasn't messing up already. So much for it being a 20 minute work out lol =)
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Wow, I love you guys. I feel so much better knowing it's not just me. I knew the scale might be a **** but I'm glad too know all your tape measures are being ****s too. Phew!

    The push up modification I do is against a sturdy chair so it's harder than the wall ones but not hard on the knees like girly ones. Works pretty good, I can almost do one regular floor one!

    On a really awesome note, the side lunges and the lifts were not nearly as hard last night! I'm finally getting level 1 down... I don't want to do level 2!! :sad:
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    Day 5 1/2 of level 1 done. I didn't quit!!! But, I did go back to all 3 pound weights, not 5. I've got to be more consistant for the rest of the month.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Wow, I love you guys. I feel so much better knowing it's not just me. I knew the scale might be a **** but I'm glad too know all your tape measures are being ****s too. Phew!

    The push up modification I do is against a sturdy chair so it's harder than the wall ones but not hard on the knees like girly ones. Works pretty good, I can almost do one regular floor one!

    On a really awesome note, the side lunges and the lifts were not nearly as hard last night! I'm finally getting level 1 down... I don't want to do level 2!! :sad:

    How heavy are your hand weights? I'm STILL struggling with my 5lbs on the side lunge arm raises. So I know how you feel, I don't want to move onto level 2 either LOL
    The cardio today was really easy! =)
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Day 5 1/2 of level 1 done. I didn't quit!!! But, I did go back to all 3 pound weights, not 5. I've got to be more consistant for the rest of the month.

    After watching level 2 and 3, I was thinking of getting 3lb weights too. I don't think I can do jumping jacks with my 5lb weights. Heck no! Punches with my 5lbs I could MAYBE do, but NOT jumping jacks, yikes!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Wow, I love you guys. I feel so much better knowing it's not just me. I knew the scale might be a **** but I'm glad too know all your tape measures are being ****s too. Phew!

    The push up modification I do is against a sturdy chair so it's harder than the wall ones but not hard on the knees like girly ones. Works pretty good, I can almost do one regular floor one!

    On a really awesome note, the side lunges and the lifts were not nearly as hard last night! I'm finally getting level 1 down... I don't want to do level 2!! :sad:

    How heavy are your hand weights? I'm STILL struggling with my 5lbs on the side lunge arm raises. So I know how you feel, I don't want to move onto level 2 either LOL
    The cardio today was really easy! =)

    I'm still struggling on the anterior raises as well, with 5lb weights. I usually make it through the first set, and then maybe 4 on the second set. At that point I end up switching to 3lb weights, although I don't actually have 3lb dumbbells. I end up using 3 lb wrist weights that I would normally strap on for jogging, lol. But hey when it comes to the jumping jacks and stuff the strap on weights might be better anyway :D
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    Hello everyone!! I am on D4L1 and It is getting easier to do the workout. My problem?? trying to walk down stairs or sit on anything that is low (like the toilet) PLEASE tell me that this soreness that I feel in my thighs when trying so hard to keep my balance while doing these everyday things does get better that obvisely before 4 days ago I took advantage of being able to do. LOL. Saw where you all were talking about the weights you are using. I use 2 lb weights and they seem light. But after what you were talking about it makes me wonder if I should just stay with them or go up a pound or two?
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Hello everyone!! I am on D4L1 and It is getting easier to do the workout. My problem?? trying to walk down stairs or sit on anything that is low (like the toilet) PLEASE tell me that this soreness that I feel in my thighs when trying so hard to keep my balance while doing these everyday things does get better that obvisely before 4 days ago I took advantage of being able to do. LOL. Saw where you all were talking about the weights you are using. I use 2 lb weights and they seem light. But after what you were talking about it makes me wonder if I should just stay with them or go up a pound or two?

    Day 2 & 3 were like that for me. It brought tears to my eyes every time I had to go to the bathroom. Everything hurt so bad! Try a hot bath and some ibuprofen. Trust me, before you know it you won't be sore at all. I finished day 20 today and actually miss being that sore because I knew I worked all sorts of muscles I hadn't used in years. Sick, isn't it? lol Tomorrow I start Level 3 so I'm sure she's going to kill me. :tongue: Bring it on, JM!
  • minus40
    minus40 Posts: 112 Member
    Your post made me LOL. I am on D6L1 and I felt exactly the same way the first 3 days... toilet and stairs KILLED!!! I use 3 lbs weights and they are fine. It gets better. I don't think I'll be moving onto L2 anytime soon, but I don't feel like absolutely dying after this workout anymore! :noway: :bigsmile:
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    Arg! :angry:

    The scale HATES me. +2 lbs since last Friday. I doubt it's muscle this time. Dammit!

    It's your muscles holding water since they are stressed. trust the tape measure:smile:

    Tape measure hates me too.

    i just posted but i measured a few days ago and...


    my waist has gotten bigger and i was very unhappy about that!! but my hips got smaller....soo idk about that...and my scale hasn't moved since i started
    just keep it up because who knows what 30 days will look like...at least that's what i tell myself (when i'm not sore and hiding the video so i don't feel bad lol)

    Thank God I'm not the only one, I was getting frustated
    I'm on D9L1, and not looking foward to lvl2. I watched it and I was like :O Natalie is tired and sweating!!!! when she never looked tired on lvl 1. :noway:
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Well, I did it. Lvl 1 Day 6. I sooooooo didn't want to work out tonight. I sat down on the sofa and tried to knit. But the JM in my head was shouting at me, so I got up and pushed my way through the workout. Glad I did, but that popcorn I had at the movies this evening made it tough on me. Now...I am going to knit guilt-free. (After I get out of the shower :)
  • L1D9 done! Last day of level 1 tomorrow! Looking forward to level 2 but not! Definitely looking forward to the change but not the difficulty! Plus I have a cold which made working out less pleasant than usual :P
  • karenodonut
    karenodonut Posts: 28 Member
    Day 7 Level 1 of 30 DS done.

    I went trying on wedding dresses earlier & found mine. Even more determined now.
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    D3L1 done...much better than yesterday. I'm thinking about muting the TV soon, I already look at the wall instead lol.
  • mgravy
    mgravy Posts: 47

    How long should I wait to switch to level 2? The first 3 days of level 1 left me sore as hell...but that's gone now...and I kind of miss it! haha
  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone! Kind of late to the party for July - but my DVD arrived a couple of days ago and I'm now on D2 of L1 - really feeling it already :laugh:

    Determined to see this through to the end - and so grateful that there's a thread I can come compare my trials and tribulations to!
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 179 Member
    Did my first weigh in since starting the Shred and the scale was up 2 lbs, but also measured. Keeping in mind that my last measurements were about 2 weeks before I started shredding, I lost about 6 inches total. Love it! But Jillian, I still hate you...lol