30 Day Shred Group - July



  • aly1221
    aly1221 Posts: 55
    uh oh...
    my bad on the holiday weekend :(
    BUT i started back up and it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be lol
    i think in a few days i'll kick it up to level 2
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    10 days of level 1 in the bag! On to level 2 tomorrow! Bring it on jillian!!

    10 down, 20 to go.....
  • gnomenapper
    Just finished day 1 level 1! I've been doing Body Pump for 2 months and working out 6 days a week since March... and the cardio portions still kicked my bum.

    Edit: Feel free to friend me! Always looking for fellow weight loss friends.
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    i finished day 7 of level 1 tonight. felt great! finally the arm pain was gone!

    It was too hot to head outside afterwards, so i thought i'g go ahead and do level 2 as well for fun. Ugh. this may have been a mistake for me.......my arms are too sore:grumble: hope they work at all tommarow. we'll see......
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Just finished level 1 day 2. I have a feeling my legs will be jello.... and right after them my arms... The stairs should be fun tonight. I'm using 5lb weights. I'm determined to not let it beat me though!
  • eyedoc87
    eyedoc87 Posts: 8
    I did L1Day6 this morning and I'm really finding my endurance is much better. My calves aren't quite as sore - but still let me know they're there!!
  • mrswiley07
    mrswiley07 Posts: 65 Member
    I have completed L1D7 and the side lunges, jumping jacks and modified push ups are still killing me. However, I can do way more than I could do before I started. This is a great 20 minute workout because I am already seeing the results with myself and my hubby who is doing it with me.

  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    I just have to say that I love all the husbands that are shredding!!! I can't get mine into the idea. He is very supportive though and tells me how proud he is of me everyday.

    No shred for me today. I did ny C25K this afternoon. I am looking forward to tomorrow's shred.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I have completed L1D7 and the side lunges, jumping jacks and modified push ups are still killing me. However, I can do way more than I could do before I started. This is a great 20 minute workout because I am already seeing the results with myself and my hubby who is doing it with me.


    I wish my hubby would do it with me! you're so lucky!

    I'm on day 4 today. Today I went into walmart and tried on a shirt, when i took my shirt off and looked at my ribcage area and i'm already seeing results. i'm hoping it's not just mental though lol
  • jenniferfelice
    Finished L1D6 today! And it is definitely getting easier! Plus I am starting to see muscles in my arms and my arms and waist area are shrinking, plus I can feel the muscles in my legs more too! I am really hoping to get the results people have gotten with the shred in the past!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I finished Level 3/day 3 this morning. I do not like level 3. Level 2 is my favorite. I'm noticing some good results - both on the scale and the measuring tape. I also noticed today that my shoulders & biceps are getting more defined. :bigsmile:

    I decided to go back & try level one tonight to see if it was any easier, since I've been going 24 days straight! Anyway - the cardio is still pretty intense & I'm glad to hit the floor for the abs still! However for the first time I was able to do the bicycle crunches the entire time!!! I got to 41! Woohoo! :bigsmile:

    Stick with it everyone - you'll be glad you did!
  • karenodonut
    karenodonut Posts: 28 Member
    Day 6 Level 1 done. Only 24 days to go!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    ppphhheeewwwww! day 11 done for me. first day on level 2. that was a workout and a half! now i know what people meant when they were talking about planks. lol!

    but its another day closer to being shredded! and i can certainly feel like its working which makes it easier to switch that dvd on every day!

    11 down, 19 to go............
  • Myra73
    Myra73 Posts: 54 Member
    I just decided this morning to try the day 1 on the on demand and it was great (didn't think that DURING, but now that I'm eating my oatmeal, I feel better, lol) I thought it was a great workout. Since I don't have the DVD, I didn't get an intro, so I have a question or two:

    Are you supposed to do level one every day, until you feel you can move up?

    Can anyone give me an idea of how many calories are burned, if you do mostly the high intensity moves? I weigh 150 lbs, I'm 5'7". I don't have a HRM yet, so I'm not sure what to log.

  • Violetsworld
    I am using 5lb weights that I have from my first round at losing weight a few years back. They do feel heavy at first but the more you use them the lighter they feel.
  • Violetsworld
    Today was my first day. I got started late but I will stick to it for the next 29 more days!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    I just decided this morning to try the day 1 on the on demand and it was great (didn't think that DURING, but now that I'm eating my oatmeal, I feel better, lol) I thought it was a great workout. Since I don't have the DVD, I didn't get an intro, so I have a question or two:

    Are you supposed to do level one every day, until you feel you can move up?

    Can anyone give me an idea of how many calories are burned, if you do mostly the high intensity moves? I weigh 150 lbs, I'm 5'7". I don't have a HRM yet, so I'm not sure what to log.


    10 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2, 10 days of level 3. no breaks - thats the idea anyway.

    30 days to be shredded!

    i dont have a HRM either. i had read on here to log it as circuit training, general for 20 mins. that marks me down for 221 calories burned but i have read people with HRM's saying their actually calorie burn was higher or lower than that so i guess thats just an estimate.

    keep at it!
  • angieaanderson
    L1D2 last night + a feeble attempt at day one with the C25K. I got halfway through C25K before my knee gave out on me and I decided that slipping off the treadmill, crashing through a window and landing two stories down onto the street totally wasn't worth the last 10 minutes. Le sigh. Maybe tonight. Maybe.

    gd50cent: I invited my husband to try 30DS with me last night-- and it was a no go. He said he wouldn't want to embarass me by beasting through the workout but I believe he was a little intimidated by the fact that Jillian's calf muscles are bigger than his head. LOL.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    Ok, I've done level 1 for 4 1/2 days so far this month - I tried using 5 lb weights yesterday but couldn't finish the last 6 minute circuit. Bummer. Then, I got so mad at myself for that that i went out and did yardwork for 3 hours in 90 degree heat. Now I'm really too sore to do anything today. We'll see how I feel tonight, otherwise right back at it tomorrow.
  • aly1221
    aly1221 Posts: 55
    hey everyone!! how's it going??
    are most people on here doing 10 days on each level? if not when did you go up to the next level? :)
    L1D4 :)