

  • Please don't question my credentials. I worked hard for them. Take home message: According to the national Weight Control Registry: People who eat breakfast tend to lose more weight and keep it off. the physiology is irrelevant.
  • To all who are criticizing my comment about revving up metabolism. I apologize that I simplified a concept to something that I figured would make sense to more people. The Thermic Effect of Food is indeed a real concept as it takes energy to digest and absorb the nutrients from food. However, it is not something that can…
  • 150 is a perfectly healthy weight for someone your height. it would make your BMI 24 which is within the healthy range. As a dietitian, I am more interested in whether a person's appearance is healthy and strong than whether they match the weight that the numbers tell them is "ideal."
  • Most important meal of the day! I find that breakfast sets the tone for my day and have been surprised that the "classic" American breakfast of eggs and some kind of breakfast meat is actually pretty low calorie. Getting protein in in the morning is helpful to keep me satisfied all day. That hunger you feel when you start…
  • Stevia is fine and has been used in other countries for centuries. I tend to like green stevia (the dried and ground herb) better than white stevia (the extracted and processed sweet part) because it has a clean sweetness and a slightly herbal flavor. However, it is not as sweet and doesn't mix into beverages and stuff as…
  • Vegetables: Fill you up for few calories (1 cup raw veggies has 25 calories, when the same amount of grain has around 250 for example) Protein: helps to maintain satiety longer. Choose lean protein sources because fat packs more calories into a smaller space and will be counterproductive. Plan your meals and snacks for…