

  • When i started this i was 268 lbs (April 2011) and i must say that keeping track of your calories is the way to go. Burning more calories than you consume per day is THE ONLY WAY to lose weight. Gimmicks, fads , etc. are nonsense and we all know it. stay away from processed foods and put in 30 min of exercise (of any kind)…
  • you are looking at your pants in 2 dimensions and when flat the look to take up more space :) in 3 dimensions (i.e. on) they do not look that big i assure you. and like the previous post says if they make u sad/angry use them as motivation to kick them in the butt and get to the next size down. you can do it if i…
  • kids are very forgiving and flexible so don't feel guilty...it's just 30 min a day and it goes by fast. they can also come along on walks with the dog (in a stroller maybe, which will increase the calories burned adding to your workout) and this gets them into the habit of enjoying working out too. hope this helps...keep…
  • in order to "tone" a muscle the suggestion is very low weight with high repetitions when lifting weights. so i see no reason why doing cardio type exercises (as opposed to weightlifting) wouldn't have the same benefits. as for not doing the same exercises daily, it is good to change it up once in a while to "shock" the…