starsweep4 Member


  • Good luck! My photographer is trying it. She said to check out the website called I looked it up and thought about doing it. She really likes it and I hope that it works for you. Good luck! You should google some juicing recipes!
  • I have an IPhone and I use the Pandora app. It can be found on many smartphones. I like the Techno station. It really keeps me going when I am having a down day.
  • Thanks everyone! I swear this page is so helpful! Everyone here has been so nice!!!
  • Thanks everyone!!
    in Bump Comment by starsweep4 August 2011
  • It is in the oven now!!
  • My fiance really doesn't have a choice. He has a heart pump helping push blood through his body until he can get a heart transplant. He has been really depressed so I am hoping that I will motivate him!