

  • Great, now can you make it taste good?:ohwell:
  • Ranch fiend is putting it mildly. :laugh:
  • I am in week 6 of a couch to 5k program, and I'm up to running 25 consecutive mintues! It's hard work, but it feels amazing to accomplish something you believed was impossible. I think I'm running about 2 miles-ish, and I've got 3 weeks left to add another 5 minutes and a mile. My 5k is April 29th, and I feel like I'm…
  • I also have a recumbent bike and plantar fasciitis. I love my bike because I can just sit back and pedal while I watch tv. I can go for an hour with a distracting enough show. ;) Also, look into MBT shoes (or Reebok or Sketcher shape-ups). They are very expensive but take pressure off the heels, I am even doing a couch to…
  • I've never quite understood what "taking a piss" means in the UK. In the US, it generally refers to going to pee. Also, do you say "soddy" or "sodding" a lot? Brits on tv here always do.