Couch to 5k

angelajeanne23 Posts: 20
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey guys! I seriously HATE to run so I've figured what better way to change that than to run a (short) marathon! I want to run a 4 miler in August. It's a mud run that looks like serious fun. Is there anyone on here who has done/is doing the Couch to 5k program? What's it like? Is it manageable? Do you hate life because you just ran for 20 minutes when you're done? I need the scoop!


  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    It is a really popular program because it works well. I'm using it right now and I am definitely loving life more than the last time I trained for a 5K without using it!
  • afyfe
    afyfe Posts: 93
    I always hated to run but love it now. I also started with the C25K program. I still dread the first mile, but after I get into it, it is great therapy for me and after the run, the endorphin rush is just a bonus!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    The C25K program is what got me back into running. The key to success (I think) was that if you had difficulty with a week of the program, don't move on. Try it again. Also, if the beginning seems easy don't skip ahead. If the beginning is easy for you choose more challenging running routes. The most common issue I see is people do the program on the treadmill then expect to run a 5K outside. IRunning doesn't translate that well between treadmill and outside.

    Good Luck. You can definetly do it. I am up to running 8 miles now.
  • I am in week 6 of a couch to 5k program, and I'm up to running 25 consecutive mintues! It's hard work, but it feels amazing to accomplish something you believed was impossible. I think I'm running about 2 miles-ish, and I've got 3 weeks left to add another 5 minutes and a mile. My 5k is April 29th, and I feel like I'm going to be able to run the whole thing. This is a good program to try, each day it gets progressively more challenging but you accomplish more each time.
  • I used it to train for a 5k last fall - I've NEVER been a runner... couldn't even run the mile when I was younger. It was seriously difficult for me - when I got to the week when I had to run 20 minutes straight I was pretty sure I was gonna die!!! But I stuck with it and have run two more 5k races since then, I run at least 3 days a week now. It's worth all the pain when you realize you CAN do something you thought you couldn't. It's a big mood booster - good luck and stick with it, you won't regret the decision!!!!
  • ckiott
    ckiott Posts: 1
    I've always wanted to do a short 5K run but I have weak lungs and no stamina to keep running. Our town has a Kiwanis 5K Walk/run and I am considering do that. I know a lot of pre-walking/running, training is necessary. I'm walking 3 miles every other day right now and shorter distance on the off days. I'll probably need to bump that up. Keep us posted on your progress. Good luck!
  • Ive been using PodRunners Interval from Itunes - I enjoy the music! It has W1-9 of a walk/run program - keeps me focused...Lynda
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    I have always wanted to run, but thought I couldn't until the C25K Program! It is amazing. I am on Week 5 and going strong. I have not completed my first 20 minute run - which is on Tuesday, but I am ready for the challenge. What the program taught me is that it is all in your mind. YOU CAN DO THIS! Give it a try, you will be surprised how much you may enjoy it!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I've always wanted to do a short 5K run but I have weak lungs and no stamina to keep running. Our town has a Kiwanis 5K Walk/run and I am considering do that. I know a lot of pre-walking/running, training is necessary. I'm walking 3 miles every other day right now and shorter distance on the off days. I'll probably need to bump that up. Keep us posted on your progress. Good luck!

    I have really bad asthma so I found the C25K program challenging, but doable. I just had to take it slow and instead of taking the 9 weeks it took me 3.5 months. But because of doing it I have managed to stay out of the hospital for asthma for 1 year. This is the first time in my life.

    You can do it, if you want to.
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