

  • Hello everyone! This is my first group thing. I normally just do this site for personal use. But it's nice to have encouragement when you need it most!! I am doing the Shamrock Run in March Super Excited! I've only done a 2 MI run before so training for this one is kicking my butt! Good luck to all and add me if you like!!
  • Hello! I am too have the stretch marks all over. They are becoming less visible (more pink in color.) Good luck. I love MFP! It's nice to have encouragement from others who are in the same boat!
  • Going to do this also! I wish I could see these forums from my phone. I don't get on desktop very often. I need encouragement so feel free to add and motivate me:) I have lost 33lbs since gaining weight with my kids that are now 6 & 5! Yikes I know! 40lbs more to go!