Tuesday Mini Challenge



  • JohnnyBLean
    JohnnyBLean Posts: 67 Member
    I work on the 5th floor and take the stairs 3-4 times a day. I haven't seen the inside of the elevator in about three weeks. I committed to taking the stairs.
  • sunnsand201
    sunnsand201 Posts: 12 Member
    I'll shoot for the 15. I don't want to cut myself short. I can't get discouraged though if I don't make the full 15. Thanks for the motivation! :)
  • lisha7997
    lisha7997 Posts: 185 Member
    Done - only did the 5 mins since I have a bad knee that' bothering me today. Hopefully next time I'll be able to do he 15 mins.
  • RubySinclair
    RubySinclair Posts: 90 Member
    In and done! Almost wussed out on this one, but did 5 minutes. We'll see how the legs feel in the morning! I don't get it. I can walk a mile no problem, but stairs KILL me!
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    I did 25 min.

    Y'all did great
  • sunnsand201
    sunnsand201 Posts: 12 Member
    7 minutes and I could def feel the burn! :)
  • jenlipe
    jenlipe Posts: 54 Member
    Love your mini challenges. Gives me that added boost to do a little more. Keep them coming please.
  • danielledee
    Going to do this also! I wish I could see these forums from my phone. I don't get on desktop very often. I need encouragement so feel free to add and motivate me:) I have lost 33lbs since gaining weight with my kids that are now 6 & 5! Yikes I know! 40lbs more to go!