niccccci Member


  • Meat, eggs and dairy are other good sources for calories that don't have a lot of carbs. I'm a big fan of the low carb/high fiber tortillas as well.
  • Check your inches! I've had weeks where I wasn't losing any weight even though I was eating well and exercising. I'd usually see a big drop after that. The last 15 is pretty tricky also, from what I've been noticing. Just stuck with it, as long as you keep eating less and moving more the numbers will start moving again :)
  • Both of the reasons you listed, for sure. I'm a stay at home mom so my 45-90 minutes at the gym is my time of the day to focus on me on not my amazing mini spartan... I mean toddler. It's my time to rock out to all my favorite guilty pleasure music :) Oh, and I almost forgot the best part- the RESULTS!
  • Me. Too. I'm going to add you, I hope you add me back! We have similar goals!
  • Good luck!! Sugar really kicks my butt sometimes too. I've noticed if I can just somehow NOT eat it the cravings go away after a week. I'm looking for new friends on here too! If I can figure out how to add you I will. :)
    in New Comment by niccccci May 2011