

  • Ooo, might be a bit hard core for me at the mo. I might start off slow. Thanks though, I will look into this once I get my fitness up a bit :bigsmile:
  • Im not sure what the C25k is. What make is it? I just have an ordinary MP3 player, nothing fancy like and Ipod, I have a blackberry but a 2G version (cant wait for my upgrade!)
  • Hi! I use food similarly to you. If Im happy and busy then I wil eat properly. But I have a desk job and to break boredom etc, I tend to eat. Or if Im not feeling myself I will eat something. I have omly been on here 2 days, but Im really seeing the benefit of writing all of this down. Everyones really nice and are great…
    in HELLO! Comment by amoid84 May 2011
  • Hi What is insanity?
  • Hi All, Thanks for all this great advise. This notice board stuff is great!!!!! I will take a look at the couch to 5K before my run, will try to use this, hope it works for me, thank you! Thanks nc1199 :smile: , I think this was my problem before, I tried with a running club but I think this was far too advanced for me so…
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