

  • While I was loosing weight I just bought my jeans at Thrift stores so I was not spending money on pants I would not be able to wear long. Then donate them back. It was kinda fun watching them get too big as well.
  • 5'5' 135 and wear 7/8 But I still have pudge on the belly d#m* it
  • Micki St Joseph
  • Looking Back, I have been quite high on my sodium. and too many meaningless snacks, although I still remain under my calorie goal. As I have lost weight, by ability to burn calories has become harder. 2 hours of hiking which used to burn 1000 calories now only burns 500-600 depending. I am having to work harder to get my…
  • WOW! Thanks Everyone, and yes I am very happy with the progress I have made. Since I stopped smoking 3 weeks ago, I can really tell I want to do "somthing" in place of that ciggarette. Sometimes I just do curls when I want to smoke. I have purchased the celery, carrots, and fruits. I have increased my fruit intake quit a…
  • They are great to stuff in the mini peppers you can get at Costco. (they come in a bag, and have red, orange and green mini peppers) The peppers are mild but flavorful, and usually one wedge will fill about 3-4 peppers. I love the laughing cow wedges and am excited to try the new light flavors. I think the chipolte will be…
  • I have lost 20lbs so far and it just scares me to eat more. I am not starving myself, I am eatting various fruit Veggies, chicken and fish in moderation. and having Medifast bars fro snacks. and 1% MIlk as a treat, I love milk. Fear being when I get to my goal weight, How to maintain and not gain back Created by…
  • So other than the health benefits from the exercise I get from Hiking 5 miles a day, It really can be acheived as easily by walking maybe 2 miles a day. and maybe a 5 mile once a week.
  • So If I burn 800 calories a day hiking, I need to eat those 800 calories on top of my set 1200 calories? Ugh...