Why am I gaining weight



  • KelleyKay
    KelleyKay Posts: 10
    WOW! Thanks Everyone, and yes I am very happy with the progress I have made. Since I stopped smoking 3 weeks ago, I can really tell I want to do "somthing" in place of that ciggarette. Sometimes I just do curls when I want to smoke. I have purchased the celery, carrots, and fruits. I have increased my fruit intake quit a bit in the past 3 weeks. I am not good with drinking plenty of water. I do when I hike but otherwise it is Crystal Light. Not sure how to open my Food diary for you to see. But I would be intrested in the feed back.
    Thanks again everyone!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    WOW! Thanks Everyone, and yes I am very happy with the progress I have made. Since I stopped smoking 3 weeks ago, I can really tell I want to do "somthing" in place of that ciggarette. Sometimes I just do curls when I want to smoke. I have purchased the celery, carrots, and fruits. I have increased my fruit intake quit a bit in the past 3 weeks. I am not good with drinking plenty of water. I do when I hike but otherwise it is Crystal Light. Not sure how to open my Food diary for you to see. But I would be intrested in the feed back.
    Thanks again everyone!

    So you did change your diet...cut back on your fruit intake (2-3 pieces only) and see what happens. And definitely get in @ least 8 glasses of water.
  • KelleyKay
    KelleyKay Posts: 10
    Looking Back, I have been quite high on my sodium. and too many meaningless snacks, although I still remain under my calorie goal. As I have lost weight, by ability to burn calories has become harder. 2 hours of hiking which used to burn 1000 calories now only burns 500-600 depending. I am having to work harder to get my heart rate up. My resting heart rate averages between 50-65 and has been as low as 44BPM. When I hike, (and this is a climbing hike 1 mile up and 1 mile down) It usually gets up to 145-152BPM
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