

  • Being a vegetarian is not an affront to "all" meat eaters of the world. You might be surprised how many of us really could care less what or how you eat. I suspect it's a lot like vegetarians. The vocal, judgmental ones who are offended by us meat eaters are likely a small minority.
  • Also, just curious. Most fast food places have salads that are actually pretty good. Why is this not an option so everyone could be accommodated? Is this a nutrition thing or a political/moral thing?
  • You sound a lot like me. Live and let live as far as I'm concerned. One thing I wanted to bring up for the original poster...not saying you do this but I saw this situation so I thought I'd mention it. I know someone who very passionate about a plant based diet. She is also a recovering alcoholic. She didn't realize she…
  • It seems like it's one thing to change your own eating habits, but to expect everyone else in the house to change for you seems a bit much. My husband and I are changing how we eat. I am not forcing it on my kids. I make dinner and they are free to eat with us or make something else. I still keep all the old staples in the…
  • I've posted twice now and each time my post showed up twice :ohwell:
  • My favorite. Thankfully I live an hour from Pinot country :smile: ceelovejay...I was thinking the same thing. If someone wants to start drinking wine to learn about wine, none of those should be options. Good suggestions (except I have a problem with St. Michele in general seeing them buy up our good local Washington and…
  • Hi schilds68. It seems like we both have had a good start. Best of luck to you.
    in First Week Comment by kimbera68 May 2011
  • Hi schilds68. It seems like we both have had a good start. Best of luck to you.
    in First Week Comment by kimbera68 May 2011
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