Living with Discipline and apparently annoying everyone else



  • kimbera68
    kimbera68 Posts: 10

    I am a vegetarian and so I'm used to getting *kitten* about my diet. But, yeah, I'm totally on your page. My husband eats chicken. I think people make stuff into a bigger deal than it is!

    I eat out all the time, go to family gatherings, and I eat side dishes or bring something. If I'm going to a dinner party, I let the host/hostess know but tell them not to fuss, and it's always fine. If someone I know is on a diet, whatever it is, I respect it when I have them over at my house.

    My sister has a picky kid and we always make sure there is something for him to eat when he comes over. She also bakes her Christmas cookies with whole wheat pastry flour and healthy oils, and they taste like bricks. But, I just smile and say they're good.

    For the OP - just ignore it. If there's a gathering and they will be having fast food, bring something along and if people harass you just change the subject.

    You sound a lot like me. Live and let live as far as I'm concerned.

    One thing I wanted to bring up for the original poster...not saying you do this but I saw this situation so I thought I'd mention it. I know someone who very passionate about a plant based diet. She is also a recovering alcoholic. She didn't realize she was doing it but when other people would mention food or alcohol they enjoyed she would respond in a way she didn't realize sounded condescending and judgmental. That got her the same in return and she felt as if she was being persecuted for her eating habits. When it was pointed out to her, she finally realized that her own passion for health came off as if she were putting others down. Because she felt so strongly about it she didn't see it until she looked really hard.

    Again, not saying you do this, but you might want to think about how you tell them you don't eat fast food. They could be reacting to feeling judged, possibly just a misunderstanding or miscommunication. I can't for the life of me imagine myself or anyone I know putting anyone else down for what or how they eat.
  • kimbera68
    kimbera68 Posts: 10
    Also, just curious. Most fast food places have salads that are actually pretty good. Why is this not an option so everyone could be accommodated? Is this a nutrition thing or a political/moral thing?
  • shaverkl191
    shaverkl191 Posts: 131
    I totally agree with this! I've recently started to eat healthier and exercise, cut out fast food except for maybe a treat on the weekend. My friends and family give me a hard time about it sometimes, ganging up on me when I pass on cake at a family gathering etc. But a few weeks ago I ran my first 5K and I'm feeling great, so I just try ignore the haters and do my own thing!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Sometimes, I think people think that when we say we're changing our lifestyles that we're trying to say we're better than them, even if we don't think that. Just stick to your guns and don't bring it up unless people comment on it. You'd be surprised at how much people DON'T notice and what they actually notice. If you just say "no thanks" instead of "no thanks, i don't eat ____" it would probably go over better.
  • whateverdamnit
    I've given up my 2-3 glasses of wine per night, full-carb beer, Havana Club and Coke.. Indian takeaways (oily, cheesy Naan bread, creamy curries..), KFC (I really refuse to eat that stuff nowadays), sugary cereals and dried fruits, McDonalds, fruit juices, Burger King.. I actually gave up A LOT. Trying to eat more natural food, without all the added sugars. :)
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm a vegetarian. Something that apparently seems to be a affront to all meat eaters of the world. I am also severely allergic to seafood and have a mild sensitivity to peanuts and cinnamon. I also eat clean. I've long since stopped trying to please people. I just got in the habit of eating before I go anywhere that I am unsure will have foods I can eat and then politely saying "No thank you."
  • kimbera68
    kimbera68 Posts: 10
    I'm a vegetarian. Something that apparently seems to be a affront to all meat eaters of the world. I am also severely allergic to seafood and have a mild sensitivity to peanuts and cinnamon. I also eat clean. I've long since stopped trying to please people. I just got in the habit of eating before I go anywhere that I am unsure will have foods I can eat and then politely saying "No thank you."

    Being a vegetarian is not an affront to "all" meat eaters of the world. You might be surprised how many of us really could care less what or how you eat. I suspect it's a lot like vegetarians. The vocal, judgmental ones who are offended by us meat eaters are likely a small minority.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Also, just curious. Most fast food places have salads that are actually pretty good. Why is this not an option so everyone could be accommodated? Is this a nutrition thing or a political/moral thing?

    Depends on the place, I guess. A lot of chains offer some pretty good salad options. Some, eh, not so much...
  • bwalters82
    bwalters82 Posts: 95
    As sad as it may seem, some of your closest friends and family will try to hamstring your success. I've thought long and hard about why and only one reason comes back: If we make ourselves better then they feel like they need to make themselves better, but they're not ready yet. It's easier to try to bring people down to your level than to work hard to reach theirs. Keep that in mind next time.
  • tinamwilson
    tinamwilson Posts: 32
    People are afraid of what they don't understand. How can anyone NOT want to eat at the "All American McDonald's" after's the first branding toddlers recognize...the golden arches...

    We have been eating a "fast-food-free" lifestyle for 2 years now with the exception of Subway. Our kids do not have weight problems and are allowed to "indulge" if they are out with the grandparents etc. but they really don't want that stuff anymore.

    Stick to your lifestyle - we bring our own meat to grill if we are going to a BBQ...this included friends or family...we will bring our own meal if we attending a church potluck. My DH has lost 80# and I've lost 109# so people around us know that's our lifestyle and it's working. If poeple don't like it or understand it's really THEIR problem. LIVE YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY!!!
  • destinyag
    destinyag Posts: 26
    Also, just curious. Most fast food places have salads that are actually pretty good. Why is this not an option so everyone could be accommodated? Is this a nutrition thing or a political/moral thing?

    In the beginning it was about finding the core of why we were choosing these places to eat. In the end we realized it was because it was 1) cheap and 2) reallllllly convenient. The drive-thru made it entirely to simple to get fat at 3am when we usually were done with work and school.

    Since our lives still involve working till really late at night, we kept the rule. The only exception is when the place with a drive-thru has waiters (like Steak n' Shake or Chilis). People generally try to convince us that it really won't be that big a deal to just eat at Arby's this one time or get a taco salad at Taco Bell, but it's the relapse of eating at these places that scares us the most, so we just prohibit them all and it's worked fairly well (except for pizza delivery, which I've basically ruled out in these last few weeks).

    Also, it is partly a moral thing at this point as we discover more and more how poorly these chains are operated and the kinds of stuff are really in the food they serve. Not saying the other places we eat don't have skeletons in the closet, but it's an easy way to keep a large chunk of nasty out of our lives.
  • bwalters82
    bwalters82 Posts: 95
    I like your last comment. One main reason why to not choose fast food is because they treat their employees horrible. McDonald's has done many things that are absolutely immoral. In-&-Out Burger supposedly does treat their employees well and offers higher wages, but I can't confirm that.