First Week

kimbera68 Posts: 10
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
This is my first post. I am just finishing my first week on the Medifast Diet. I've lost 8 pounds. I recently went through a serious illness and ended up on high doses of morphine. When we finally got my health under control and I went off the morphine, I gained 50 pounds almost over night. I was already 40 pounds overweight. So now I need to get rid of 90 pounds. Since I still have my condition and it is made worse by being overweight, I have to do something about it.

My husband has been good enough to join me on my diet which really helps. But this is really hard because much of our life revolves around food and wine. Multiple course wine dinners, wine tastings, gourmet cooking and gourmet restaurants. These are the things that we do with our friends, and it is something very special in our lives. I would really like to figure out how to have both in my life. I think that will be the hardest part of this effort for me. I have to be very careful when I go off medifast to make sure I find a good balance between these things and healthy foods and exercise.

Exercise is also hard for me because I basically spent a year in bed. Even a flight of stairs has me breathing heavy now.

Anyway, I hope to find someone with a similar background that can give me some pointers along my journey.


  • schilds63
    schilds63 Posts: 1
    This is my first post also. Love, love this website. I just started on the HCG diet and have lost a total of 8lbs so far this week. So far so good and very satisfied. Love reading and seeing all the success stories, I hope I'm one of them soon. Best of luck to you!
  • kimbera68
    kimbera68 Posts: 10
    Hi schilds68. It seems like we both have had a good start. Best of luck to you.
  • kimbera68
    kimbera68 Posts: 10
    Hi schilds68. It seems like we both have had a good start. Best of luck to you.
  • EckcellentRN
    EckcellentRN Posts: 7 Member
    This is my first week for the second time. I fell of the wagon before but I am startign anew and this time I am trying the 17 day diet as well as calorie tracking. I am hopeing having the laid out diet plan meal for meal will help teach me new habits and kep me from fellign like I dont kno what I m doing. So far so good 3 days and 3 lbs. well see as time goes on but I feel much better already.
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