RazzTjazz Member


  • BOTH! Early Star Wars and all of the Start Trek! Love the and live by them all!
  • Fun, Fun, Fun. I use the Wii fit board and the Just Dance 1 and 2. 2 has nice feature of setting goals for the week. The fit does something similar. The only con to the fit board is there is a weight limit. (the kinect probably doesn't have this issue but that does with a diffrent system-not wii) I love wii fit plus on the…
  • NAME OF RECIPE: Thai Summer Slaw From: Jackie Mills, Cooking Light JUNE 2007 or myrecipies.com http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/thai-summer-slaw-10000001622473 INGREDIENTS: Slaw: 3 cups thinly sliced napa (Chinese) cabbage 1/2 cup (1/8-inch) julienne-cut yellow squash 1/2 cup (1/8-inch) julienne-cut zucchini 1/2 cup…
  • Try Amy's brand frozen and cans.
  • I agree with the person who said you can get your metabolism rate checked. Could be done by others than your doctors. (nutritionist, some personal trainers, natural path doctors, etc) I have heard of people with a lower metabolism rate but not overly common. (or maybe it's one of those things we don't like to hear) Do, get…
  • Gas could be related to a lactose intolerance. (ie sugar in milk) It is very common as people age. Some have to cut out all milk and dairy. (can also include things like cheese, ranch flavored, chocolate, etc) Others are able to just cut out drinking milk. There are great alternatives such as soy milk, rice milk, almond…
  • Love to prepackage in a zip lock or favorite container into 100 or 150 calorie portions. It also helps keep "others" from binging on the snacks when they have to "open" each container. (I did this with our chips once. My hubby didn't go crazy eating when he had to open each baggie I put in the chip bag of pre-portioned…
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  • I thought I would write them down in case they are hard to find. Several under 150 snack options listed. =) Red Bell Pepper and 1/4 cup Guacamole (140 calories) 1 cup Stawberries dipped in 1 Tablespoon semi sweet chocolate chips (115 calories) "18 Rabbits" Bunny Bar (120 Calorie) (some kind of small granola bar) 2 Kavli…