SwtKittN Member


  • I've been trying on MFP on and off since '11. Long as you don't quit trying, I think that's what matters most.
  • It's very awesome that you've chosen to not have the surgery (granted it works for some, it saves some people's lives) and I don't know how to give you accolades without really undercutting those that have done it, if that makes sense, not trying to pick sides surgery vs not, but if you can do it without it, then I think…
  • That much weight by that date is pretty steep.. That's like double nearly what's generally recommended? And 1000 calories is a sure fire way to make yourself miserable. I'm only 5'4 a shorty too and very overweight (435 pounds) and I wouldn't dream of doing 1000 calories a day. Mine generally sits between 1700-2200 and I…
  • I am using a food scale sorry I left that out. I use it religiously, usually in grams as it's more precise than ounces. I also use measuring cups and spoons. I weigh my meats raw (unlike my mother who does hers cooked no matter how much I try to convince her otherwise). As for the -14000 deficit for the week that's what it…
  • Considering you can just reset the number now it doesn't really mean anything. Good for yourself to keep you accountable but if you have a low number you shouldn't feel bad about it at all. Any string of days is progress.
  • I used Zappos to find new balance that my feet loved. Sadly they changed the shoe when they came out with the new version :/ I still use new balance but I bought a pair of ebay because that's pretty much the only place I can find them anymore. I've returned so many pairs of shoes with Zappos, it's never ever been a hassle.…
  • Welcome :) Glad to see the wls is treating you well!
  • Late joining, have been active friendwise since around November and thought I should come back community side aswell. It's really hard to find friends that remain active and are social >.< Name: Deborah Height: 5'4" Heaviest Weight: 471.2 Starting Weight (1/2): 454.8 lbs Goal Weight (1/30): 444 lbs 12/31: 454.8 1/7: 452.8…
  • Sending some invites out, have about 200-250 to lose myself but not really focusing on the end number just on being less than I am now (:
  • I totally understand where you're coming from in the want of having more friends "your size" I'm over 400 myself, over 450 actually so if you're looking for more friends you can add me^^ My diary is open and I'm supportive and looking for more friends
    in 400+ Comment by SwtKittN April 2015
  • I actually didn't get this until all the meme's poured in haha :)
  • Sodium seems a little high at times, tho I'm no expert and I know how hard it is to stay under sodium it's in nearly everything prepared/prepackaged. You said you've been drinking mostly water, how much water? Also for your calorie burns are you using any HRM or anything? Your burned calories may be off, and I second mch…
  • I'm going to be getting a fitbit surge this week (for my birthday). I'm buying mine from best buy, as it's the newer model from where I've looked it's the same price everywhere. Plus my dad has plus membership or w/e it's called from spending X amount in a calendar year, so he gets extended returns. The forums I've looked…
  • I agree on skinny pop being the best popcorn ever :) Maybe try eating some more fiber? I hate days where I feel like I can just eat forever and still be hungry. Usually happens on days I get up earlier than usual, puts like an extra meal in my diary cuz I'm awake and hungry when I would be sleeping haha.
  • Peanut butter and nuts are pretty calorie dense I think. If it's a common thing, try adding more throughout your day so you aren't facing the evening not being hungry and so far under. I myself am under 1200 for the day, the day just got away from me in the middle and I didn't force myself to make time for lunch. If your…
  • Nearly year and a half later this is still getting bumped and I'm glad I got the chance to read it. Tho I am saddened that you don't appear to be on MFP anymore, I would have loved to have read your blogs. You have a way with words that is amazing. Thanks for sharing your story and inspiration, wherever you are :)
  • I'm in one right now and regretting it LOL. To lose 4% of my body weight in a month is 19 pounds in a month and that seems very unhealthy.. Sure at my weight I could probably do it if I ate 1200 cals and exercised but I would be a hangry person and unbearable to be around haha. Plus it seems people sodium'd it up at the…
  • Sheesh someone got a stick up their butt or something huh. It's probably water weight as stated above. It's normal for weight to fluctuate, especially if you ate a lot of high sodium foods. Don't give up :) And don't let negative nancy's get to you either ;)
  • You kind of look like a completely different person :) Great job!
  • I couldn't drink mountain dew in moderation. I gave it up cold turkey afew years back. It was hard at first, it was hard for awhile actually. Now I pass it and I don't even think about it. I could buy it for my brother who drinks it and keep it in our house, and I wouldn't drink it. But in place of that I've developed an…
  • In Indiana they sell them at Albanese I think that's how you spell it anyway >_> It's a hugeee store that sells every kind of candy your heart could ever dream for. I bought one of those chocolove with salted and peanuts.. Good luck only eating afew squares I can't stop til the whole bar is gone LOL My willpower is crap…
  • squaretrade warranty I think for like $50 or something covers drops, spills etc.. and you can find coupon codes online for discounts :) all my family's ipods got their warranty, I only hear great stuff of their customer service, great turn around time, something like if they can't fix it within x amount of days they…
  • I got my beta last night, but I still gave it up for lent so >_> That's some cruel joke LOL But we are celebrating Easter on Saturday due to my Dad going to Minn. on Sunday for a week business trip.. I could play.. but naw I think I will just wait it out til Sunday I waited this long already :P And everybody said I…
  • Well you do have 216 friends :ohwell: Honestly if it was someone I didn't interact with and they kept disappearing I'd delete them too. If they can't offer me support while I'm constantly giving it to them, then they can have the boot. Come back when they get serious I can't make them lose weight and I need to pay…
  • I gripe when we get salads from mcdonalds for dinner and I have to order my dad a double cheeseburger.. to have with his salad.. lol Or when he eats like 6 french toast for breakfast.. My sister eats out quite abit too it really does frustrate me a lot. I gave up fast food for lent this year and it's gone pretty well cept…
  • I can't give advice as I'm only walking, when I attempt to run I feel like I'm going to die :laugh: Sorry I hope someone can give you some better help :) hehe
  • 4/3 ~ 44 4/4 ~ 66 217/1500
  • Awwe I love the female panda model :D Tho I am a girl and I adore the way red pandas look irl :love: Who knows they might change a lot between now and release :P