TJB1012 Member


  • I'm 5'5.5 and I found myself the healthiest and happiest at 146. I stupidly got myself to 200.2lbs. now im at 194lbs and trying to get down to 150 and kind of try to stay 150 or lower and build muscle.
  • i have weighed in the 190s for about a year, I went from 145 2 years ago to almost 200 lbs now. I have hypothyroidism and ive been trying for a long long time to get my weight under control. I started tracking my calories for about a week now, and ive been working out some for two weeks. so I hope this helps me. I guess…
  • thank you for replying ! I am so excited about this workout.. november 8 is my birthday so i am hoping to be lookin hott ! haha i havent come on this website really but i kept my health up, this workout is forsure the best thing i think ... anyone with pics i would appreciate to see your awsome results ! :')