

  • I have recently added Kashi Go Lean cereal to my diet, I eat it with Almond milk and blueberries. The one I buy is the 'fibertwigs, soy protein grahams and honey cereal' variety. It is packed with fiber (10 grams) and I think it has a great nutty taste and it keeps me filled and satisfied for hours.
  • Avocado is high in fat and calories and has a taste small kids like. Also, grits with cheese and cream is very good and easy to get kids to eat for breakfast.
  • OK, I am scared that I am going to fail! I know, I know, negative attitude, but I REALLY want to lose the weight and need to find some way to stay focused and not let the food run my life! I am putting my trust into and myself! I have lost weight many times before, but always with diet pills and liquid…
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