Newbie looking for tips to keep motivated.

Hello other MFP members.

I just signed up to this site the day after my 27th birthday (last Thursday) and I am hoping to utilize this site to keep my motivations high. Motivation seems to be my biggest downfall. I have been chunky all my life but I am at the largest weight I have ever been and when I stepped on the scales today it scared me especially since last year around this time I had just accomplished losing 30 pounds. Now, I am up 10 more from that 30 I lost.

I admire those of you who have such awesome success stories and others who are clearly on there way there. So, let me know where you are from and any tips you may suggest to someone that obviously has issues with keep herself on track!
:smile: I am from Woodstock, Ontario BTW...anyone else from Canada?


  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    Welcome! Just the fact that you've joined this site will motivate you to keep going strong! There are so many helpful tips from other members. I'm from Whitewater, Wisconsin.:flowerforyou:
  • nannelson
    nannelson Posts: 3
    OK, I am scared that I am going to fail! I know, I know, negative attitude, but I REALLY want to lose the weight and need to find some way to stay focused and not let the food run my life! I am putting my trust into and myself!

    I have lost weight many times before, but always with diet pills and liquid diets and I just can't do that any more. I will be 45 in October, it is time I learn to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. I want to learn how to eat real food and enjoy it without going overboard. I also need to work regular exercise into my daily life. My husband, who doesn't NEED to lose weight, but wants to drop 20 pounds for summer, started using this site to track his food, and he is really into it, so I figured I'd give it a try, since I NEED to lose the weight. Just can't feel this old and tired ANYMORE!

    I want to be one of those success stories. I am amazed at how much younger and more vibrant people look who have dropped the weight. I want to be one of them, damn it! We just had a huge family party, and I HATE that my sister posted dozens of pictures of me (and everyone else, of course) on FaceBook for the world to see. For me, all it does is scream, "Hey - Look how fat and old I have gotten!!!" How mortifying! Gotta make a change now!!!

    I'll help you if you help me! Need motivation and support!