kenmiller75 Member


  • Strength training is going to do wonders for your body and self confidence. Research different programs and when you find one you like, stick with it for a few weeks before you decide if you like it or want to try a different workout. Thinner, Leaner, Stronger by Mike Matthews or Stronglifts 5x5 are great programs. I like…
  • Stronglifts 5x5 doesn't have you start off heavy. You start with half the weight that you can handle for 5 reps. I was squatting 305 when I switched to SL 5x5 and it had me start the program at 150 lbs for squat. Most untrained people would start with the bar empty anyways. You only progess if you successfully complete all…
  • Never give up and don't let others tell you that you don't belong in the gym. Lift Heavy & Live Healthy!
  • I'm always looking for new friends and motivation.
  • I have 50 to lose. Feel free to add me too.
  • Green tea and cayenne pepper will speed things up. Drinking ice water will burn more calories because your body has to work harder to heat the water to 98 degrees. Try to drink at least 8 cups of water daily. You can also speed up your metabolism by eating your daily calories in 5-6 meals instead of 3 meals.
  • What an amazing transformation! Way to go!
  • Toast an english muffin in the toaster and scramble an egg in a coffee cup with cheese and bacon pieces. Cook in microwave for 60 seconds while the muffin is toasting. When muffin is done slap them together, stick in your mouth, chew, swallow and repeat. A quick and healthy breakfast for less than 300 calories.
  • I workout daily and log daily. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • It's really not a lot of work and if you make certain dishes on a regular basis, this tool is very helpful. The main reason I use the recipe tool is because of the ability to edit my recipe when I make a dish again. If I make pasta and use 200 grams of onion the first time and only 150 grams the second time, it's quick and…
  • I have the fitbit flex and it has motivated me to be more active on a daily basis. There were many nights after I first got it where I'd be up and walking around at 11:30 PM because I was close to getting my 10,000 steps for the day. Having something tracking my daily movement has been a huge motivational tool for me. Am I…
  • You asked about eating carbs and it wasn't really addressed so I'll chip in from what I've learned. Not all carbs are evil. Carbs are necessary and give your body energy. They have a bad rap because of the processed and sugary crap most packaged foods are loaded with. Stay away from processed and sugary foods such as pop,…
  • It's okay to drink a beer every now and then but if you're drinking a six-pack every other night then no. If you're serious about lifting and gaining mass then beer is a special treat that should be consumed on a limited basis. I have 5 different six packs stacked on my freezer that I haven't touched in quite a while.
  • I put chia seeds or ground flax seed in mine to get added nutrients.
  • That is what your body burns daily. You adjust your calories based on that number to lose or gain weight.
  • I usually only prelog if I'm going out to eat and I know what I'm ordering. I never really thought about planning my whole day out but that's usually because I'm cooking something new that I don't have saved as a recipe in here. I like the idea of planning out my whole day so I know what wiggle room I have and when I need…
  • If it will make me look like the Spartans in the movie 300 then count me it!
  • I scramble my egg and then microwave it in a coffee cup for 60 seconds. It comes out the perfect size and shape to put on my english muffin. Sometimes I add bacon pieces and shredded cheese to the mix. I top it off with spinach, a sauted mushroom, and/or a turkey sausage patty. It's a quick and easy breakfast for under 300…
  • I have the Polar H7, which is their bluetooth HRM, and it will disconnect when I'm in the middle of a work out. It's a pain in the rear because I have to stop what I'm doing and reconnect it to the app I'm using on my phone. I will try the reset tip and hopefully that will do the trick.
  • And here I thought I was weird because I order extra tomato on my Whopper Jr and my subs at Subway. You should go to Spain and check out the annual La Tomatina Festival. You could go swimming in them!
  • Frozen yogurt or fruit bars are good. If it's the coldness & thickness you're craving you could blend frozen fruit with a little almond milk and make it thick like a milkshake. Try keeping some of your favorite ice cream in the freezer and allow yourself a small serving every night as a reward for keeping within your…
  • I use frozen blueberries, strawberries, and/or mangos with fresh banana and pineapple. I use almond milk instead of water. The frozen fruit acts as ice cubes and makes it thick. I add fresh fruit to the mix because it's like ice cream if you use all frozen. My kids love it too. You can mix in spinach, avocado, ground…
  • I too love junk and it's hard to give up. Sweet Chili Doritos are my favorite! I could smash on a whole bag watching football so I don't eat them often. What I do though is allow myself one or two chips once a day or two to curb my urge and keep my sanity. A quick and easy meal that really fills me up is tuna sandwich with…
  • As an example, this is what mine looks like. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Hang in there. Surround yourself with friends on here who are helpful and willing to share their success tips with you. The road you're traveling isn't easy but you can get to where you want to be if you work at it. Just remember if it was easy, everyone would do it and it wouldn't be called work.
  • Option 1 Bring in food for everyone one day. Make sure it's something bland, boring, and tasteless. Tell them when you pass out the food that you have to eat even more healthier sometimes to counter all of the unhealthy food they bring you and that you would like to do this at least once a week. Option 2 Let them feed you,…
  • How is that helpful. The OP is asking for motivation and advice on how to deal with the situation. She knows that she shouldn't eat it. You're advice is worthless to her situation and your tone is rude.
  • Ask your boss to only get you something on Fridays and then you can plan it into your weekly calorie totals. That way you're not turning down your boss and alienating yourself from everyone and you're also not scarfing down all kinds of unwanted calories on a daily basis.
  • It's only not a workout if you use a snowblower, however your routine is flawed. You don't have drink a beer anywhere in it!
  • I'll be your buddy if you chew on some tic tacs first :smiley: