symbolistik Member


  • dls06 Thanks for your links I like the 3rd one, it speaks to me I think I should just make sure i stay low carb for a while and ditch the scale If I stop the anxiety of not seeing my weight go down, it might help me I just really hope that my body will eventually "get it" and let go of the unwanted pounds
  • I'm eating around 1600 calories a day Which is more than if I do just calories counting without watching my net carbs amount In that case I'm supposed to eat 1400...and I've been eating more than that What I'm wondering, is if that if I stick to low carb, will I eventually lose weight? Or should I just count my calories…
  • These dressing sound good PU_239, I'll try them Mountainmare: I think I have been a little lose with the concept of not counting calories with Atkins, I am going to star measuring and weighing everything starting tomorrow
  • Either the ranch or the ceasar dressing from Paul Newman...yummy, but adding just 2 table spoon is easily 300 calories You're right, waste of calories I'm fine with mustard and balsamic vinegar on top of my salad... I'm going to change that tomorrow
  • I haven't eaten so many protein in a long time...I think I have to keep on doing the type of menu I've been eating these last few days and just really cut down on the salad dressing If you have 2 salad a day and 2 table spoon of dressing on top of it, it easily adds 600 calories, that is insane! I will try to stay around…
  • I was doing a 1400 calories a day before doing atkins, I was always hungry I did not lose weight and it was difficult to stay within the calorie range. So I'm happy to eat more, but today I am freaking out to see that I already ate 2,087 calories (that is insane!!! It goes way to fast with the full fat dressing) 17 net…
  • Mmmm...I think I definitely have to reduce my cheese and salad dressing consumption to get best results. It really is not as easy to get it right as I first thought it was...I really have to read the cookbook more to get a better idea of the quantities I can eat. If you wan to share some of your usual menus to make it…
  • Thanks Chokis, yes I am a woman I usually am fine to stay within the 1500 to 1800 calories range, but with atkins, using the dressing and cheese, I easily reach 2000 calories...scary how fast you get to that number when you use full fat products I guess I still have to figure out how to really apply this's…
  • I'm Marilyne, I just turned 40 years old. I live in South Beach, Florida, and I am opening soon a Yoga and Pilates studio. I just have to lose the weight...for myself, but also because of my business...can't be overweight when you are surrounded by gorgeous people everywhere. I weight 154 pounds would be very happy to be…
  • I'm in too!!! That is the weight I've been wanting to lose...and it seems I really don't get any results by myself :( I hope we can all help each other with this group :)