

  • I work in a gym and the thing that annoys me the most is people who join up then expect a miracle by losing weight without actually using their membership. Join, go three times per week, work out hard, eat healthy = lose weight.
  • Hello, Unfortunatley, you cant spot reduce an area of your body you are unhappy with. To lose fat on your stomach and tone up you need to embark on all over body work outs which include both cardio and conditioning (toning) exercises. Lots of sit ups will also help and maybe chuck in some core strength exercises too. Good…
  • Alcohol has lots of 'empty' calories. You can lose weight if you drink alcohol but it will be harder and drag out the time it takes to get to your goal. I love a drink but have realised that if i am serious about losing weight and feeling good about myself then i have to strict with myself and cut right back on my alcohol…