Things people do at the gym that you hate



  • ijiiii
    ijiiii Posts: 61
    Idiot "bros" spitting in the drinking fountain.
  • ayfa
    ayfa Posts: 15 Member
    Idiot "bros" spitting in the drinking fountain.

    wtff ewwww!!???
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    kg is a bit over double standard American weight... 2.2 lbs per kg. or a bit over.

    1. Today. Man was on the treadmill... not exercising.. just watching the television on it. Anytime I got close to him in my routine, he wanted to talk. Now, I am as friendly as the next person and I realize that at times it is important to take time out of our day to be friendly to somebody who obviously has nobody in their life at the moment... Just when I am in the middle of my routine, I don't want a full blown 20 minute conversation about your red-cross efforts during some tropical storm a few years back. (I don't have a problem with a hello or even a few sentences .. especially during rest periods ... sometimes these conversations can be most helpful)

    2. Stinky farts... nuff said.

    3. Sitting on the equipment I need for my workout talking casually to a friend for 20 minutes ...again doing nothing.. just talking during the busy time of the day. People need the equipment for what it is meant for. You need to talk something over with somebody.. that is great... find a more private area and chat away.

    4. Usually leaving weights on the equipment ... but today, I actually appreciated the 45KG (100 lb) weights being left on the leg press machine.. that meant I did not have to put them on it... Only had to take them off when I was through...

    Look forward to reading other posts because I don't want to be "that guy"...
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Oh, and one more thing... Women, please don't take your tween age boys into the youth ladies locker room with you... My 10 year old daughter don't need that kind of education! So many ways that can go awry.
  • Get_Me_Fit1
    Get_Me_Fit1 Posts: 194
    The casual "lean and look"

    GAHHHH!!!!! Drives me nuts.

    if you dont know what im talking about, go watch jenna marbles on Youtube. She has a gym pet peeves video.
  • babbgirl1975
    babbgirl1975 Posts: 36 Member
    I can usually ignore most things but really strong, overpowering perfume or aftershave or deodorants put me right off my stride at the gym. There's just no need!

    Totally this!!!!
  • babbgirl1975
    babbgirl1975 Posts: 36 Member



  • I work in a gym and the thing that annoys me the most is people who join up then expect a miracle by losing weight without actually using their membership. Join, go three times per week, work out hard, eat healthy = lose weight.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    has it been said already?

    people just sitting at the weight machine stations texting on their phones. seriously, can we not put our phones away for 1 hour??
  • JaneP2011
    JaneP2011 Posts: 65 Member
    Well, there are only 6 floor mats in our gym, so what really bugs me is when the personal trainer hogs 3 of them just so he can spread out all the different weights and fit balls he's going to use for his client!
  • Psalm63
    Psalm63 Posts: 3
    We have this one lady who sets her workout bag on a piece of cardio equipment and then goes and works in the weight area for 30 minutes.

    Seriously, cell phones do not belong on the workout floor. If their is an emergency and you need to have a quick call fine, but don't have a long conversation that everyone has to hear.

    When you are done with the treadmill, please turn it off. Hate those people that keep it moving after they are done.

    People who expect you to move in exercise class because they came in late and want that spot.
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    People using multiple piece of equipment at once, and moving between them. Sorry, I'm not going to wait 15 minutes to squat just because you read somewhere that circuit training is the only way to get fit. There are actually multiple people at my gym who do this! I have to stop them every time.

    THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Also, the tallest person at the gym comes into the spinning class and sits in the front row, between you and the instructor, bocking your view completely.
    There are empty bikes at the back mate, go use one of them.....
  • Livingdeadgirl44
    Livingdeadgirl44 Posts: 264 Member
    Ok, and no one has mentioned this, and it annoys the *kitten* out of me, and I don't know why they do it, it's a running joke with my husband, so maybe someone will answer this...

    I've seen multiple guys at the gym who walk around chewing on their towels!!! Seriously gnawing away!! WTF?

    Maybe they have soaked the towel in nutrients, hitch hikers guide to the galaxy style? :)
  • xxTAMxx
    xxTAMxx Posts: 573 Member
    If my headphones are in and I'm a hot, sweaty, mess... I'm not up for a chat. The trainers can be the worst offenders.

  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    has it been said already?

    people just sitting at the weight machine stations texting on their phones. seriously, can we not put our phones away for 1 hour??

    I have an APP on my phone that I use to record what I do when lifting weights, instead of writing it in a notebook for instance. I have a feeling people assume I am texting when I am really recording what I did in my log.

    I get really mad when people don't clean up after themselves or rack their weights when they are done. I am known to call people out when I see this happening.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    People who smell. (No the workout didn't cause them to produce the foul odor coming out of their pores)
    People who don't wipe the machine down. (When doing cardio, your face isn't the only thing that sweats! If you're holding on to the bar, your hands get sweaty too!)
    People that come and use the machine right next to me. (Give me some breathing room! Unless the gym is crowded, then I understand)
    Women who come to the gym in full makeup & hair done.
    People who don't wear proper gym attire.
    People who bring their whole life with them to the machine.