Things people do at the gym that you hate



  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    I don't really pay much attention to other people when I'm working out. I try to focus on what I'm doing, get it done and get outta there. I'm only really bothered by the people who don't re-rack the weights and by the guys who drop the dumb bells when they're finished. Scares the crap out of me every time!! lol
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    I love this thread I have a rant sheet about this topic!!!

    1.) People who sit on machines and do not use them they just sit there talk to there bff or text or what ever if you not going to use it get the He** off of it.

    2.) Girls that come in to guy scope not work out and keep the treadmill's out of use because there walking at 1.0 mph.

    3.) Guys who try to tell me how to do whatever I'm doing....thanks but I know how to turn on a treadmill/bike or whatever I'm doing is good enough for me . If I need help Ill ask.

    4.) The snooty teens girls that sit around and talk/laugh at me I'm busting my *kitten* your 16 years old do not have kids and your size 3 will not be forever .

    5.) My husband going with me he is so impatient ...just because you only do 2 sets and work your arms for 5 mins does not mean I have a 5 min work out you know my rutine last for about 2 hrs if you dont wanna be here that long you drive!

    6.) There is this one girl who is always rude to me and the other day she tried to outwork me I run 2 to 3 miles a day at 5-6 mph so she gets on the treadmill next to me and starts to run to after 3 mins she stops and get's off .....While I continue to run for my 25-30 mins . Afterwords she did say " It's harder than it looks huh??" I just shook my head.... \

    ok Im done for now.....
  • biznoche
    biznoche Posts: 43
    lol I can be grumpy too.

    I agree with Juliene. I would rather someone just ask me how many sets I have left instead of if Im done. If I was done, I wouldnt be using the thing, now would I?

    Actually, in many cases, that is false. At my gym, there is a 30 minute circuit and a 12 minute abs circuit. There are signs posted by both saying that the machinery is ONLY for those who wish to do the circuit. Now, I don't mind if someone wants to jump on a particular machine for a bit even though all of those pieces of equiptment are available throughout the gym, but if you see someone doing the circuit and you're not, wouldn't you yield to them as a courtesy? No...people will jump right in front of you and hog up the machine for 5 minutes. I have also had to politely ask (when I really just want to kick them in the head)people who were clearly resting to move so I can finish the circuit.
    That's my pet peeve!
  • mblair1968
    mblair1968 Posts: 323 Member
    When the person on the treadmill next to me, has their trainer telling them what to do, and all they can do is whine. "I can't" " this is too hard." Seriously, keep the negative comments to yourself. I don't need to hear it. Yes it is hard, that is why it is called a WORK OUT!.
  • DietPep1978
    DietPep1978 Posts: 202
  • BarefootBrendan
    I can lift heavy stuff. I just cant lift it off the bar again and back onto the rack because I am too stupid to read the signs that say please replace weights and use a workout towel. Dumb Meat Heads. Learn to Read Idiots.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    The stinky guy who has the same gym clothes on everyday!

    The guy who grunts so loud I can hear him over my ipod. There is no need to grunt every rep of every set.
  • Hotrodhoodlum
    If your worrying about other people in the gym are you really focused on your work out . I don't think so . This why I wear an I Pod and turn it up very loud
  • boxingday2010
    For me the peanuts that take the one spray bottle walk to the machine and spray and proceed to wipe HELLO!!! spray the paper towel leave the bottle for everyone else and piss off!

    The people don't that believe in a buffer zone in the locker room or shower!

    If there are 10 lockers in a row free DONT USE THE ONE NEXT TO ME BUFFER ZONE!!!!!

    If there are 5 showers in a row free DONT USE THE ONE NEXT TO ME BUFFER ZONE!!!!!

    just a couple of things that tick me off :)

    I just had that this morning; I was showering, one empty shower stall to my right, two empty to my left and a whole other row of stalls on the other side and the guy takes the one empty stall to my right. Dude! "DON'T USE THE ONE NEXT TO ME BUFFER ZONE!!!!!" Absolutely.
  • boxingday2010
    I can lift heavy stuff. I just cant lift it off the bar again and back onto the rack because I am too stupid to read the signs that say please replace weights and use a workout towel. Dumb Meat Heads. Learn to Read Idiots.

    We have such an issue with that; oh yay you're so strong except you can't put the weights back OR they are constantly dropping the weights and/or grunting every set...
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    If your worrying about other people in the gym are you really focused on your work out . I don't think so

    Disagree...some things can be distracting to your workout. Like I just stated, overly smelly people and people grunting so loud, all the time, that you can hear them over your music is kind of hard to tune out.
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    OMG I've never had any of the problems you guys do. I guess I am lucky I go at 5 in the morning.

    The most annoying thing is on the weekends when LA Fitness suddenly stops being a gym and starts being a trendy place to hang out and chit chat. The gym is not a bar!
  • boxingday2010
    I hate (HATE) when people are talking on their cell phones while on the treadmill or elliptical right next to me. If it's that important go out into the lobby or locker room or something. Jesus.

    Yes absolutely; I get having an "important" phone call but otherwise leave it in your car or locker. Some people argue, 'well I use my phone as my i-pod/mp3 player' ok fine but don't talk on it constantly or text when you're supposedly working out.
  • boxingday2010
    By the way... I got to say, I love this thread. There are so many annoying people at the gym, it astonishes me. What ever happened to gym etiquette?
  • helpmepls905
    helpmepls905 Posts: 14 Member
    Girls who come to scope men
    Girls who come to sit on machines and talk to their friends (your def not using that so get the F off)
    Girls who come to be "cute"

    Men who think they own the gym
    Men who think that because I am a female I don't need to use the big boy machines
    Men who lean on machines and flex like I give a **** about how big their muscle are. Mine are better

    Anyone who tries to correct someone elses form.... in the wrong way.

    Just saying.

    Also. Big on the buffer zone. Please do not stand naked directly infront of me and chat to me... I don't know you as it is. I want to know you less when your naked and I am trying to get ready for work.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    And shut up about the TV already. At 3:45am when I'm turning them on and getting the gym ready to open, I really don't care what's on them. If you don't like it, ask for the remote. I will gladly hand it over and you can watch whatever you want. If you're still not happy with the selections, buy a treadmill, watch at home, and leave me out of it.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Many of the complaints I'm reading here is the exact reason I love Planet Fitness. They have a lot of rules, but honestly they are rules that I think should be common sense and help guard against these horribly annoying people.

    1) They don't allow slamming weights down, dropping them, yelling out when you lift to show how big and brawny you are.

    2) They zip-tie the cleaning bottles to the garbage can, so you have no choice but to spray the paper towel and leave the bottle. I used to HATE when 4 of the 5 bottles were gone at one station because some people think their *kitten* don't stink and are allowed to hog them for themselves.

    3) They have signs all over requesting patrons to use their cell phones outside or in the lobby.

    4) They have a big sign stating that the 30 minute express circuit training is for just that or you're subject to having your membership revoked. I love used to make my blood boil to be in there and see people jumping around from machine to machine, going the wrong way or coming in to use one or two machines and leaving. If you don't want to start and stop according to the traffic light, go in a counter-clockwise rotation or use ALL or almost all of the machines, go use the IDENTICAL ONES out on the main floor that don't come with rules.

    Of course there are still the people with the overpowering perfume or people who get on the machine/locker/shower right next to yours when there are tons of others available, and the people who do nothing but walk around the gym trolling for the opposit sex, but seriously Planet Fitness really does a good job of cutting down on the annoyances.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I hate (HATE) when people are talking on their cell phones while on the treadmill or elliptical right next to me. If it's that important go out into the lobby or locker room or something. Jesus.

    ^^ THIS... I don't necessarily mind if they're actually working out though. What I hate is the people who come in with their cell phone and just basically sit at a machine taking up space chatting or hanging out. You came to the gym. Get your *kitten* in gear and WORK! GET SWEATY! On that same line, I hate when someone is on a recumbent bike or something and maybe doing like 5mph... not working up a sweat or anything. Whats the point? I mean, yes, you're moving and it's better than nothing in this battle, but for Chrissake... SWEAT!!!!
  • wrapgirl2022
    wrapgirl2022 Posts: 5 Member
    (Today was my first day in the gym after ten years.... so not sure if my point of view is skewed as to what is acceptable or not)

    Entire row of elliptical trainers empty (15 or so) this guy has to use the one right next to me... and proceeds to blow his nose on the outside of his t-shirt (multiple times through out his time on the machine) :huh:
  • loislane22
    Wow, I am glad I no longer go to the gym, I am pretty sure i have broken a few of these, like going with a gf and chatting while we are both on the eliptical.
    Had more success working out at home then when I was going to the gym.

    I will say that that the gym i used to go to was more of a fashion show then an actual gym, it was extremly annoying. Also all the guys had a hugeeee upper body and these tiny little chicken legs the size of my wrists, yuck.