Things people do at the gym that you hate



  • allegedglobalconspiracy
    I'm a few months new to the gym so havent run into anyone that annoying (Yet). I don't get bothered easily though.

    BUT I am wondering if I might be the "wierd one" at the gym because (I get migraines w bright lights) I tend to leave my sunglasses on all the time even when I work out. I even wear my sunglasses at night, like the song says.. LOL, but yea I always wonder if anyone is thinking I'm weird for wearing them while I work out (I usually take them off when I start sweating too much though).

    That's not weird at all. Bright lights are a killer and fluourescent lights are even worse if you're prone to migraines. If anybody's looking at you funny, they're not working hard enough themselves! :wink:

    A baseball cap might help block some of that.

    But yeah if someone's looking at you funny, they need to work harder! LOL
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    Dont drop your weights on the floor.. i always hope they hit their foot when the plate bounces , one time it did and i was like THATS why you shouldnt drop your weights.~ haha

    dont leave your sweat on the equiptment, if you are gonna do serious cardio before lifting chage your clothes.. really!

    dont read the paper , magazine , txt or talk on your phone between sets.. people are waiting.. HELLO! wake up

    dont bring your 2,3,4,5,6 7 or 8 year old to the gym , the kis is gonna wander off or stick his/her hand somewhere where it doesnt belong!

    dont jump rope anywhere where there is clearly not enough room

    re rack the weights on the trees , and dont leave a mess on the floor

    dont yell across the gym to your buddy and try and have a convo about the bimbo you took out last night , nobody cares.

    dont touch other people or argue with them , get your workout done and get out, i dont like to even be poked out when i am sweating.

    stop complaining about the 1 piece of broken equiptment , there are 10 others things you can do to hit that body part. you are a baby and a complainer..

    no vortexing people who really want to workout.. so save the convo for later , if i just say hi back and start lifting i dont wanna talk, i want to lift or finish my cardio. ask if its a good time to chat..

    dont wear flip flops sandles,boots or heels to a gym , i dont tolerate it and will kick you *kitten* out.

    dont wear shorts so short that your nads are hanging out , trust me nobody wants to see them!

    dont sing in the shower , really its just ..well u get it

    dont show it off in the locker room .. maybe your proud or maybe you should hide it , never the less keep it hidden we dont wanna see it

    more than 8 min at a strength machine is too much , move on more than 1 hr at any cardio equiptment is too much move on..

    if you smell please take a shower and wear deoderant and if you dont , please start!

    please change your gym clothes because we do notice you are wearing the same thing every day and it does smell

    these are just the top offenders of my list! ..thanks for the vent
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    wear makeup while working out
    turn fans on high for no reason
    talk talk talk talk talk talk talk
    talk on the phone
    get in the way when they're doing mindless things. excuse me, I need the pullup bar, gtfo of the way please.

    do not appreciate wangs in my face in the locker room either.
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    I can usually ignore most things but really strong, overpowering perfume or aftershave or deodorants put me right off my stride at the gym. There's just no need!

    This is one of my peeves even OUTSIDE of the gym. I hate when it's so strong you can taste it!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    wear makeup while working out
    turn fans on high for no reason
    talk talk talk talk talk talk talk
    talk on the phone
    get in the way when they're doing mindless things. excuse me, I need the pullup bar, gtfo of the way please.

    do not appreciate wangs in my face in the locker room either.

    I dont like boobs in my face....tradeoff
  • MarielElizabeth
    Hahaaaa lately I've been irritated at the gym too!! How come when your on a machine and there are a million ones open, someone comes and uses the one RIGHT NEXT TO YOU?! I don't understand it.

    Also- PLEASE DONT DO AEROBICS IF YOU ARE RHYTHMICALLY CHALLENGED OR COMPLETELY UNCORDINATED!!!!!!! I've about had enough.. When I start getting punched, kicked, and run into.. and when its affects MY workout.. I am pissed! geeze people just get on a dam treadmill !
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    this is why I don't go to the gym.

    SAME!!!! XD

    Snap! :D
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    When the music gets too loud and you can't hear your instructor. (This generally only happens when there are two separate groups working out in our gym.)

    When people talk to each other behind their hands. This happens in a lot of social situations, but I find it rude at the gym. If you want to say something to someone privately, take them to one side, don't say it while in circle and make everyone paranoid that they're being talked about. Not all of us are secure in ourselves just yet.
  • allegedglobalconspiracy
    wear makeup while working out
    turn fans on high for no reason
    talk talk talk talk talk talk talk
    talk on the phone
    get in the way when they're doing mindless things. excuse me, I need the pullup bar, gtfo of the way please.

    do not appreciate wangs in my face in the locker room either.

    LMAO!! Seriously no need for the public schlong display. That's just wildly unnecessary. I think old guys do it just to mess with everybody else!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    The 150 year old dude that waits til you walk in the locker room to come out of the shower butt naked and sits beside you. Stuff on him is not where it should be and what ever he is doing in the gym isn't working or his @zz wouldn't look like baby's diaper with wet sand in it. His junk must need a rest because he rest it on the counter when he shaves. Dayum! I gotta find another gym.
  • Ericgunner
    Ericgunner Posts: 109
    Constantly looking in the mirror, do these people forget what they look like.
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    Sorry to say but people who fart while on the tread mill. When I am running I do not want to have to run through a sulfur cloud and start gagging.

    I'm sorry :bigsmile: , but I can't help it LOL :blushing:
  • Ash_76
    Ash_76 Posts: 186 Member
    i hate it when a group of blokes are sat in the weights area chatting and not training taking up machines and benches,,,,,,,, the stench of protein farts gets a bit repulsive too,
    i try and avoid peak hours at the gym
  • lynnkieu
    lynnkieu Posts: 67 Member
    In group class, especially Zumba, when I am standing where I want to stand, and someone comes and stands 6 inches from me!!! Kills me...

    I have to say though, talking on the cell doesnt bother me. I mean, it is like talking to someone on the treadmill next to you. Who cares

    I agree about Zumba! I also hate when people in Zumba don't follow the choreography and make up their own stuff. If you're not going to follow the instructor, why are you here? Go dance crazy at home and stop being a distraction by gyrating on your friend in front of me.
  • allegedglobalconspiracy
    Sorry to say but people who fart while on the tread mill. When I am running I do not want to have to run through a sulfur cloud and start gagging.

    I'm sorry :bigsmile: , but I can't help it LOL :blushing:

    LMAO!!! For the win!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    The 150 year old dude that waits til you walk in the locker room to come out of the shower butt naked and sits beside you. Stuff on him is not where it should be and what ever he is doing in the gym isn't working or his @zz wouldn't look like baby's diaper with wet sand in it. His junk must need a rest because he rest it on the counter when he shaves. Dayum! I gotta find another gym.

    You still can't beat this one though.
  • allegedglobalconspiracy
    The 150 year old dude that waits til you walk in the locker room to come out of the shower butt naked and sits beside you. Stuff on him is not where it should be and what ever he is doing in the gym isn't working or his @zz wouldn't look like baby's diaper with wet sand in it. His junk must need a rest because he rest it on the counter when he shaves. Dayum! I gotta find another gym.

    You still can't beat this one though.

    HAHAHA!! NIce! People trip over it!
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    what ticks me off

    the people that dont use deoderant prior to there workout.....

    the people that make LOUD grunting noises

    the men who spend more time looking and themselves in the mirror than workin out (hah.. good for a laugh though)

    I have to say, I agree with you on the deoderant, but im pretty darn proud of my "loud grunting noises" Im pressing a heck of a lot more than the girls that go to the gym with the made up hair and make up.... I work hard, real hard, and expressive noises can not be avoided. Im not overly loud by anymeans.... but im not going to hold back a noise.... if it holds back the amount of weight I lift.
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    the old naked guy: well ..U can keep him ,, really!
  • NickDow
    NickDow Posts: 8
    Sorry to say but people who fart while on the tread mill. When I am running I do not want to have to run through a sulfur cloud and start gagging.

    I'm sorry :bigsmile: , but I can't help it LOL :blushing:

    LMAO!!! For the win!

    LOL - Hell Yeah!! Agreed, and best one yet.

    Also true for the heavy lifters who are so busy grunting and pushing they push and grunt them right out!!