Things people do at the gym that you hate



  • Thesarahmonster
    Thesarahmonster Posts: 44 Member
    I hope I never run into some of you ladies and gents in a gym! Wow!! Lol

    Nothing really bothers me at the Gym. So far. However, I feel like I would be bothered if someone else was bothered by something I was doing.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    When big, strong guys don't re-rack their friggin weights!!! LAZY, RUDE, JERKS!! I'm plenty strong enough to sling those stupid 45-lb plates around, but it's just rude. You lift it, you re-rack it!

    I love it when they don't and I have to add weight to it. Happened the other day squatting... although to be honest, that guy had to be one of the chicken leg types... or he was doing widowmakers... only 125 lbs
  • astraea82
    astraea82 Posts: 17 Member
    Let's not watch the food network, please. I can't hack it :)

    Completely agree!!! Why would I want to watch Paula Dean making biscuits and gravy while working out?
  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    What annoys me most? Ignorant people who think the gym belongs to them. Seems like a lot of the comments in this thread have come from those kind of people!!!
  • NewyearNewbeginning
    when people peek over over to see how many calories i have burned .... GOD I HATE THAT !
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    THE FAN! I hate when people go onto the treadmill or the elliptical machine and turn the fan towards ME!!!! I go to the gym to sweat not to look pretty. I am not one of those people who sweat until I run at least 2 miles first. I want to sweat so DO NOT TURN THE FAN ON ME!!

    ME TOO - I hate the fan, I thought I was alone in this. I literally unplug the darn thing, annoying

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  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member

    Yes! Your last set should be putting the weights back lol
    Ergh, I walked up to the squat rack to use it and some jerk had left over 120kg sitting on the barbell. So cranky.

    How much is that in American?

    In American? Did you seriously just ask that?

    FWIW, 264.5 lbs...
  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    :smile: Wow alot of those thing happen where I go also I just turn on my music and go into my zone they pay just like we all do so if they wanna waste their money by,

    looking for hookups
    not really working out
    being inconsiderate
    not wiping off their machines
    etc, etc, etc, etc

    then let them as long as you know you are getting the best out of your workout that's all that matters.
    If it's to a point where you can't deal with it tell the employees and let them deal with it.
    we are all on here to work on our fitness goals so that's what we should keep our focus on.. not the people who don't value the money they spend every month.

    Have a great day to everyone
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    When the person on the treadmill next to me, has their trainer telling them what to do, and all they can do is whine. "I can't" " this is too hard." Seriously, keep the negative comments to yourself. I don't need to hear it. Yes it is hard, that is why it is called a WORK OUT!.

    That would so be me.. I can be a whiny pain the *kitten* when I'm with my trainer.

    I get it's called a workout but some of the stuff they come up with really is sadistic... and sometimes, I legit can't do a move or it is too hard and they need to know that.. Otherwise thats how injuries happen.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    People who change in the bathroom stall instead of *anywhere* else in the locker room, just before a class starts. Hogging up the bathroom stall isn't real nice at 1628, when class starts at 1630. So those of us who have already changed and just have to pee before class wait for the stall changers to take their sweet time changing in there... and then have to hustle to get to class. Inconsiderate.

    I used to have to do that at one gym I went to that didn't have change stalls in the locker room. There was never a time when they were all in use so I wasn't inconveniencing anyone. A lot of people are not comfortable changing in front of other people. I hate gyms that don't consider that when building their locker rooms.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I don't really hate anything at the gym, but some things do bother me.

    - People that think me walking on a treadmill is a crime against nature. Some of us are DISABLED (and/or not physically ready to run) and cannot run sprints on the treadmills.

    - People that leave sweat puddles on the machines and never think twice about wiping them off. Eww.

    - The awesome men and women in the heavy weights area... ok.. this is more of my own insecurity.. but I want to go there and lift. I just cannot muster up the guts to take my flabby, non-lifting self over there. So I stay on the Nautilus machines and dream of being that hot chick that is dead lifting. *drools*

    - People that check your stats on the cardio machines! Generally I do not mind, but why do you want to know how many miles I have done or how many calories I have burned?!?

    Back on the disabled part.. I am a disabled Veteran. I don't look disabled to most people, but I am. I have had spinal cord surgery as well as have a tumor in my knee. It really hurts when people judge without knowing the whole story. Don't look down on that person walking slow on the treadmill. They are in the gym.. right?!?! Isn't that worth something? Instead of bashing each other, we should be giving props for being there and working out - they are trying and that is better than most people.
  • JodieElijah
    JodieElijah Posts: 136 Member
    We don't have spray bottles at our gym. You have to bring your own towel and wipe down the equipment that you use.

    I think the only thing that annoys me is that the trainers tend to ignore you. All. The. Time.
  • sarabeth40
    sarabeth40 Posts: 25 Member
    LOL. i only wish someone would stare at me...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    PUT YOU STUFF AWAY WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED WITH IT!!! Why should I have to walk around for however long asking people if they are done with stuff because crap is laying all over the floor and you cant tell who the hell is using what!? If you are done put it away and clean up after yourself. THis ain't yo' mama's house people. That is all.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Clean the equipment, yuck!
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    - Girls that prep their make-up and hair in the locker room BEFORE going to work out.

    - People that sit on the weight machines and watch TV. Then they get all snarky and pissed when you ask to use the machine. If you want to watch TV, go home and sit on your couch.

    This, and many other reasons, are why I work out at home.
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    When people keep looking at my machine or at me whie I am working out... My speed or distance is none of their business and I don't care if they are going faster or slower than me... mind your own business!!
    And I don't care how I look when I work out... it is 6 AM, I am hot and sweating and my face gets very red when I work with it and quit looking at me! lol
    That is all :bigsmile:
  • ahhmanda08
    ahhmanda08 Posts: 15 Member
    I hate when i'm working out and the only one there thenanother person comes in and change my station!! I was there first! And you didnt even ask @SSHAT!
  • bilzprincess
    bilzprincess Posts: 107 Member
    It hadn't occurred to me to be annoyed at PEOPLE at the gym. I'm there. They're there. We're all probably wishing we cld be getting something else done. What I hate about the gym is it interrupts my flipping' sleep. It lays a guilt trip of overseas travel proportions on me when I no-show. It hurts my feet, arms, legs...nearly everything but my teeth. I mostly don't notice other humans that are there. It's all about me raging against the machine...the eliptical, treadmill, crosstrainer,...LEAVE ME ALONE, u stupid machines! Oh yeah. Can u tell I don't get a runners high?
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    when folks have time to post here to complain but cant remember the last time they were in the gym ;)