dietnfit Member


  • I am no exercise expert...but i have had my share of shin splints. If it was caused by is because you may have gone too hard and fast or you overextended your stride. I think we tend to attack exercise with full fury hoping for quick results...but it is really better to ease into it and let your body and…
  • I love Jillian's workouts. They are inexpensive but they are very good. She has a nice variety of workouts available and each includes variation for beginners to advanced. The Turbo Jam workouts are good to. There is the Maximum Results DVD which has 5 workouts on it. Also the cardio party 2 and Punch and Kick Jam is good…
  • One really inexpensive way to track your running...instead of getting a running watch per se, you can buy a regular sports watch (use a Dakota). But track your miles and pace on a site like Mapmyrun is is free and will track your workouts. You can buy premium memberships but it isn't necessary. What is nice,…
  • I use the Timex Zone retails about 99..but you can find them on ebay or amazon cheaper. I think mine was about 60. It has a stopwatch, chrono timer, laps, etc. Tracks calories, average/peak heart rate.. My husband uses the Timex Personal trainer...doesn't have the stopwatch option, but will calculate calories…
  • Egg whites or egg beaters, fish (salmon, tilapia), ground turkey (turkey burgers, use in tacos, meatloaf), lean roast beef.. Hope this helps!
  • Congratulations!! You are doing awesome. I started running almost 2 years ago. I started in September of 2009 and completed my first 5k in October of 2009. In september of 2010, i complete my first full marathon (at the ripe old age of 40!!) Running has taught me a lot about myself and has changed my perspective on many…
  • This is where the true meaning of faith and perseverance lies. You have done this before...have faith you can do it again. Faith –noun 1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability. (we believe in you too!) Perseverance –noun 1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc.,…
  • I agree with the Heart Rate monitor. There are expensive ones and cheap ones. I have had good success with the Timex ones. they are inexpensive and easy to use. It is a chest strap and watch. I use the zone trainer..because i like to track heart rate...i do running intervals...etc. In the store it is about 89 or 99, i…
  • You should feel alittle soreness as you develop your muscles. However, you shouldn't really be in pain. Definately invest in a good pair of shoes. As far as lower on your abdominals and core as they support your lower back. I have a lot of lower back issues as well, running can be hard on your back...but a…