beckyjmax Member


  • I don't remember the name of the app, but there is an app available that takes your daily weight and averages it for you. The scale used to often dictate how I felt that day, I like the idea of averaging your wt once a week.
  • I had mine in August 2001, at 276 lb. Lost down to 145 by December 2002. I've been up some and down some, lowest at 124 and highest regain was 206. But that was only for a very short time, I joined WW and lost back down to my lowest. Now I float 10 lb up an down, average is 150. I'm 62, and been at this my whole life, I…
  • i didn't even know you could look at people's food diaries. How do you do that? I think it would be very helpful! and thanks.
  • Add me to this list! I also am not overweight, but I've let 6-7 lb creep back on and I just don't FEEL good in my clothes. I liked where I was. I've been in WW since Jan 09, but will honestly say, since Nov 10 that I've quit tracking, thought since I had been at goal that I was "special" and didn't have to keep doing what…
  • Another bump and thanks!
  • What helped me most was fixing either veggies or fruits for snacks. If I wouldn't eat those, then I guess I really didn't want to eat that badly. Remembering that every time I wanted to eat wasn't a time to "treat" myself. I took frozen strawberries and put into the Snow cone maker I got at Walmart then added Splenda. Made…