
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi all!!!

    Well I've gained a pound :sad:

    Today TOM is here, so hopefully I can see this weight start to drop now, I feel ok, but I can see my legs look a bit heavy, like I', retaining some water :embarassed:

    I will do some exercise today, I feel a shred coming on!!

    I have loads of jobs to do in the house, my fish tank badly needs a big clean and I have work tonight so I will have a busy active day so I think I should be busy enough to keep my mind off food, and biscuits in particular!!!!

    Good luck to everyone today!!!!!

    Hope your all doing well with your goals :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    OK, I need to switch things up. I've had two crap days and am super worried because I'm going to a conference this Thursday (until next week) which means every meal will be eating out. I really need to set some contingencies to keep me on target each day. I'm going to set my goals for staying in my calorie and fat limit and exercising at least 3 hours (the entire time I'm there, which should average 30 min per day). Please please please comment on my posts- I really do better when I know others are looking at my diary!! Friday I'm going to a workshop on behavioral interventions for increasing exercising and healthy eating so hopefully I'll have tons of new tips to pass along!!

    THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • beckyjmax
    beckyjmax Posts: 7 Member
    Add me to this list! I also am not overweight, but I've let 6-7 lb creep back on and I just don't FEEL good in my clothes. I liked where I was. I've been in WW since Jan 09, but will honestly say, since Nov 10 that I've quit tracking, thought since I had been at goal that I was "special" and didn't have to keep doing what had gotten me to that point. Plus I lost my job, now I'm on my second new job wihch altho I love it, its a new lifetstyle and I just can't quite get back in the swing of my old WW life. I need to get back to my old Yoda mantra. which was "there is no try. There is either Do or Do Not." I can hardly believe how easily the new habits fell aside and the old lazy ones came back so quickly.

    So who wants to kick me?
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    Add me to this list! I also am not overweight, but I've let 6-7 lb creep back on and I just don't FEEL good in my clothes. I liked where I was. I've been in WW since Jan 09, but will honestly say, since Nov 10 that I've quit tracking, thought since I had been at goal that I was "special" and didn't have to keep doing what had gotten me to that point. Plus I lost my job, now I'm on my second new job wihch altho I love it, its a new lifetstyle and I just can't quite get back in the swing of my old WW life. I need to get back to my old Yoda mantra. which was "there is no try. There is either Do or Do Not." I can hardly believe how easily the new habits fell aside and the old lazy ones came back so quickly.

    So who wants to kick me?

    I think a lot of us are in the same boat. The good new for you is that because you've already been successful and know what works, it'll probably be a lot easier to get into the swing of things again. I suggest setting a goal and posting it (baby goals really, not so much your ultimate weight loss goal). This way you'll have lots to post on to get feedback from others!
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    Hooray! I made it under my calorie limit yesterday! Even though I was at the Cubs game and REALLY REALLY wanted a hot dog, beer, nachos.... well the list can go on. I totally resisted! Today I'm flying to Denver and I'm a boredom eater so I'm going to pack lots of healthy snacks for the plane so I'm not tempted to buy a bunch of (exceedingly overpriced) crap from the airport. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Add me to this list! I also am not overweight, but I've let 6-7 lb creep back on and I just don't FEEL good in my clothes. I liked where I was. I've been in WW since Jan 09, but will honestly say, since Nov 10 that I've quit tracking, thought since I had been at goal that I was "special" and didn't have to keep doing what had gotten me to that point. Plus I lost my job, now I'm on my second new job wihch altho I love it, its a new lifetstyle and I just can't quite get back in the swing of my old WW life. I need to get back to my old Yoda mantra. which was "there is no try. There is either Do or Do Not." I can hardly believe how easily the new habits fell aside and the old lazy ones came back so quickly.

    So who wants to kick me?

    Hi Becky!!

    Welcome to our group!!!! Lovely to see some new faces!!

    I totally understand, I think we have all felt that once we reach our goal it's time for a treat or two and boy doesn't that weight creep back on quickly!!

    We're here for you, just write down your goals, where you want to be and what you want to be accountable for, let us know and LET'S GET IT DONE!!!!!

    Can't wait to hear you're aims and dreams!!!

    Mel :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    OK, I need to switch things up. I've had two crap days and am super worried because I'm going to a conference this Thursday (until next week) which means every meal will be eating out. I really need to set some contingencies to keep me on target each day. I'm going to set my goals for staying in my calorie and fat limit and exercising at least 3 hours (the entire time I'm there, which should average 30 min per day). Please please please comment on my posts- I really do better when I know others are looking at my diary!! Friday I'm going to a workshop on behavioral interventions for increasing exercising and healthy eating so hopefully I'll have tons of new tips to pass along!!

    THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Awwww never fear, You CAN turn this around!!

    We're here, I will be reading all your posts and cheering you on, let us know how you get on at the conference, do you have access to a gym while your away? How are you going to use you 30 minutes exercise?

    I can't wait to hear how you do and any new tiops would be great!!!!

    Speak soon Mel :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hooray! I made it under my calorie limit yesterday! Even though I was at the Cubs game and REALLY REALLY wanted a hot dog, beer, nachos.... well the list can go on. I totally resisted! Today I'm flying to Denver and I'm a boredom eater so I'm going to pack lots of healthy snacks for the plane so I'm not tempted to buy a bunch of (exceedingly overpriced) crap from the airport. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!

    YAY!!! This is awesome!!! Well done!!!!

    Doesn't it feel good when we work hard and resist and do get under our calorie limit!!!
    It's so great when we are strong enough to be around all these temptations and resist, you can still enjoy your game, without the usual accompanying crap!!! Your did great!!!

    I think you have it all worked out, I take snacks with me if I go for a day out with my son, packing good healthy snacks really does help me stay on track, I'm sure your going to see fast results!!!

    Keep up the good work xxx :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    So today I'm pretty tired, usually a day I turn to the biscuits!!! BUT not today!!

    I worked last night, was somewhat delayed in getting home and eventually only got two hours sleep, then had to be up to take my son to school, this always kills me!!! I made a point to get a healthy breakfast, then went back to bed as soon as I got the chance, I slept pretty well and don't feel too dad now, But I always still feel a bit washed out and in need of bad carbs.

    I am taking my son to kick boxing class shortly, when he's there I will come home and do a shred DVD. I was going to run but it's chucking it down outside and I don't fancy getting soaked!! lol

    I've had a bit of a naughty dinner, Chinese :huh: But today is a day of quick meals so I used up some frozen food, I really fancied something naughty but I WILL not have anything else and will make sure I don't go over calories today!!!

    Tomorrow I will be sure to have a healthy dinner!!!! :laugh:

    I've not weighed today as I was soooo sleepy this morning and totally forgot, but tomorrow I will weigh in, I MUST DRINK WATER TODAY!!!!!

    Good luck today everyone, how are you all doing? :flowerforyou:
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    I'd like to join! I need to keep away from the sweet stuff too. Have a major summer holiday coming up in exactly 9 weeks time and I want to be at least 10lb lighter by then....
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Sorry i havent been here much my loves. Its not easy being a fulltime dad/working full time/ and fighting tornadoes seemingly everyday. Loving my body and continueing to do my cardio/strengh combo which is just awesome!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'd like to join! I need to keep away from the sweet stuff too. Have a major summer holiday coming up in exactly 9 weeks time and I want to be at least 10lb lighter by then....

    Hey!!!! Nice to have you with us!!!!

    10lb in 9 weeks sounds like a good challenge, I'm sure with some hard work, will power and sensible eating you will see great results!!!

    Let's lose our sweet teeth together!!!!!

    Mel :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Sorry i havent been here much my loves. Its not easy being a fulltime dad/working full time/ and fighting tornadoes seemingly everyday. Loving my body and continueing to do my cardio/strengh combo which is just awesome!

    Hey Ed!!!

    Good to see you here!!! We're doing ok, great to hear you working hard and keeping your personal promises, as you always do!!!

    I'm doing much better this week, been really trying to resist rather than admitting defeat at TOM as I usually do, and I feel much better for it.

    Hope the kiddies are ok and your doing well, keep safe with the storms. :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    FRIDAY!!!!! Hope everyone is looking forward to their weekends???

    Well I'm down 0.2 pounds today!!! :laugh:

    Better than up I guess, I am weighing and logging new weight each day so it'll look pretty stupid but I think this helps me stay on track with eating, seeing an up or down daily makes me work harder, and I feel I get more feedback on where I'm going wrong and also when I'm doing ok.

    I have started doing the 30 day shred again, I really enjoyed it yesterday actually, I used heavier weights through some sections and lighter weights through others where you don't use weights at all, to increase my over all burn and effort put in, I find it quite easy now but this helps me get working harder.

    I love JM!!!!

    So what are everyone's goals for the weekend and coming week? How have you all done this week, have you lost any weight or managed to stick to your plan?

    I have done really well with the biscuits, I've had NONE!!!!
    But I did have a couple of jaffa cakes today then realised these aren't allowed either!!!

    Next week I should be able to handle my cravings much better and I hope to get exercising daily again, starting yesterday, I will be doing another shred today, and if the rain has stopped I will run tomorrow and do some turbo jam and maybe some yoga too, I really have missed it!!

    Good luck to everyone trying to stay on track this weekend, I can't wait to hear how you all do!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    I love JM too. Today I've had a session at the gym (vibro and resistance training) then a bit of intervals on the nordic track. Dreading weigh in which is tomorrow as I haven't completely stayed off the sweet stuff. I need to concentrate on getting good protein at at meal times so I'm not craving chocolate later on!

    Well done on no bisucits - that's really good stuff! When you have a run like that your body will start to think you don't need them. Trouble is I don't' give my body long enough to know that it can cope perfectly well without...
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I love JM too. Today I've had a session at the gym (vibro and resistance training) then a bit of intervals on the nordic track. Dreading weigh in which is tomorrow as I haven't completely stayed off the sweet stuff. I need to concentrate on getting good protein at at meal times so I'm not craving chocolate later on!

    Well done on no bisucits - that's really good stuff! When you have a run like that your body will start to think you don't need them. Trouble is I don't' give my body long enough to know that it can cope perfectly well without...

    Your so right about the protein!!!

    I have come up with a great chocolate peanut butter protein powder flapjack recipe!!! They are great for replacing a biscuit and they are filling and low sugar so it's easy to stop at one!!!

    I make a batch a week and then resist all biscuits, cakes, chocolates and sweet - apart from the odd jaffa cake!!! :laugh:

    I'll send you the recipe if you like? Or you'll find it under my recipes here at MFP!!
    Mix all dry ingredients in one bowl, mix butter and honey & peanut butter in another -melt in microwave, then add wet to dry, mix with metal spoon then press into and smooth in a greased baking tray 1 inch deep by about 4-5 x 9-10 inches rectangular, then bake in oven 190' or gas mark 5 for 15 minutes until edges go golden brown!!! LOVELY!!!! Can make various types, by adding different ingredients, but the whey protein powder is the most important thing!! Allow them to cool for 10-15 minutes before cutting into pieces, I cut mine into about 24 slices, around 140 cals each, 6g protein in each!!!

    Really helped me get that first horrible week of banishing sweet stuff under control, the second week was so much easier and now I find I can have one or two little flapjacks a day and I feel like I've had a treat!! Works great!!! I :heart: them!!!

    I'm sure you'll be ok with the weigh in, and if not then there is always next week, we can just work harder!!! I'll be stepping my exercise up next week, enough slacking off!!!

    Good luck this weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    Another day under my calorie limit!!! While I wasnt able to get in any exercise yesterday, as long as I get in 3 hours over the course of the trip I'll be happy. I never know what I'm going to be doing and when during these conferences so I'm trying not to drive myself crazy about squeezing in the gym everyday. Hope everyone has a happy Friday!!!!!!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    I gotta stop eating the choc !! Ruining me diet this is.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Another day under my calorie limit!!! While I wasnt able to get in any exercise yesterday, as long as I get in 3 hours over the course of the trip I'll be happy. I never know what I'm going to be doing and when during these conferences so I'm trying not to drive myself crazy about squeezing in the gym everyday. Hope everyone has a happy Friday!!!!!!

    Awww WELL DONE!!!

    It's always difficult when your away from home and busy working, just eating right can be a challenge, I think your doing great :happy:

    Keep up the good work and good luck for the rest of your time away :drinker: :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I gotta stop eating the choc !! Ruining me diet this is.

    Tell me about it!!! I had a tough time at easter with my son having chocolate eggs everywhere and bless him he wanted to share them all with me!! Such a lovely boy, and I couldn't resist!!

    I feel like I'm doing much better now I have banished chocolates and biscuits, I have sugar free chocolate now for those moments I can't resist!! Much better for me and it doesn't mean you crave loads after one piece as it's not full of addictive sugar!!!
    You can buy it in sainsbury's and boots diabetic section!!! :wink:
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