Prettytoy76 Member


  • I probably eat around 50-70 grams a day give or take but I always think that's too much considering I'm only 5"5 and 112lbs! I'm not on a strict diet at all, I usually just eat what I want as long as it keeps below 1500 calories a day. I hate feeling full so I'm guessing that's why I snack on sugar so much!
    in Sugar Comment by Prettytoy76 June 2012
  • Cinnamon? Never thought of that! Thanks
    in Sugar Comment by Prettytoy76 June 2012
  • Frozen grapes! Definitely trying that!
  • Thanks! I don't go to the gym or anything, I walk pretty much everywhere (and fast walk for about 3 hours a week), work in a restaurant so I'm constantly on my feet and only do sit up twice a day. (25 each time) I'll check out that video and see what happens, any idea how many times/often I should repeat it?