cupiphi Member


  • wsucheergirl, I love that you have your goals AND the rewards to go with them posted - that HAS to keep you focused - great idea!!!
  • Rhonda, how do you get your ticker to appear when you post in here?
  • And I love 'earning' extra calories when I work out, even if I don't end up eating them!!
  • Monday has alwasys been my weigh-in day for myslef at Curves, but somehow Friday ended up being my day for the Biggest Loser challenge we're doing, so now I'm weighing in twice a week..... I'm down another half pound, and I know that I don't need to tell anyone in here just how good it feels to fianlly have the number on…
  • It's about time you introduced yourself in here!! Oh, wait, that means I should probably do that, too..... :wink: Hi, I'm Gretchen, Rhonda's friend. A bunch of us joined MyFitnessPal together to help keep ourselves accountable - I know that in the couple weeks I've been here, I've really started paying attention to not…
  • Hello ladies! Thanks for the link, Rhonda!! Now you just have to remember which thread you're in, so you don't accidentally post new story in here.....:wink: I weigh in once a week at Curves - I trust their scale more than mine, since it's always in the same place, whereas I move mine around 'coz there's nowhere to keep it…