

  • I eat the weight watchers smart ones usually for lunch and a yogurt. They are cheap and some are tastey it does really heal with portion size. I haven't exercised too much but I lost 3 lbs my first week. and I finally get hungry and I feel better about my self. I'm not too worried about the sodium, I have low sodium levels…
  • I'm glad you asked this.... I have a daughter that is 17mo old and I have the same problem. My hubby goes to school in the pm so that doesn't work. Morning does seem to be the best for me but I just can't manage to drag myself out of bed any earlier then I have to for work and that is even a challage! Good luck all. I just…
  • I have the Your Shape featuring Jenny McCarthy for my Wii and it really kicks my butt. It has tons of level as you progress. My favorite feature though is the camera that you hook up to your wii so you don't hold on to a controller or anything, you can see your self right on the TV. And yes it tells you if your not doing…
  • I turn all that stress to the eliptial and gods hands!
  • Have you tried drinking water out of different containers. This may sound crazy but at my house my husband and I decided not to bring anything but water to drink in our house to get our selves away from drinking so much soda. I have trouble drinks plain water from a glass or plastic cup however I did find a rubber made…
  • thanks so much! i'll try some of those!!
  • I'm not trying to make excuses here but time is the problem. Hubby isn't going to be around much until May because he's in night classes. I only get to see my daughter as it is but maybe 3-4 hours a night. with the weather here going outside isn't an option
  • Such great advice and very truthful. We are so much more powerful than cake....I love the challenge